Baxter - BV669 B3 1681

( 15 5) ThatChriff and not the Eifhopsmade the truePaRoral Oftice,orKeyes, is' pall doubt among fober Chrifians,2.And that it was the ordainers mean- ing to deliver them nonew humaneoffice, but that which Chrifi (by his °. Spirit and Apofiles at leaf') made, inftituted and defcribed, I will Rand' to the ordainers own profeffion, 3. And iffo, I think they will con fèfs, that ifthey did mitlake, and think that the -office conteined not, 'what it conteined indeed, their miflake will not difable the ordained Minifter; no more than th,,q Errour ofa Recorder or Steward, who thinkethwhenhegiveth the Mayor his Oath, that his office bath lef- fer power than it hath : But Gods snaking and not mans meaning muff , determine ofthe pòwer, 4. Therefore all the queflion is whether God put the power of ordination into the Pafloral office. Of which now I will fay but.this, that Dr. Hammond coofefleth that there was no Pallor ordained in Scripture times that had not the power of ordination: And I (hall after prove, that no other thould be introduced finte by ¡ men. 2. And farther the Church of England appointethMiniflers to im- porehands with the Diocefan inordination: Therefore they take not ordination, but onlya Superiority in ordination to be proper to théirof- lice; As Bifhop Domname and other of them alto openly hold and prófefs. 2. The, 2d. Reafon; that ordination isan AEiof Superiority. t.-Ta granted ; becaufe the perfon tobeordained is yet no Minitteroft=hrill, and therefore is Inftrior to the Presbyters that ordain him, till he have received his office. a. But that afterward the ordainer muff beof an higher order (as well as greater antiquity in office) than him that is or- =ained by him, -I deny : For than Bithops could nót ordain Bithops nor Arch.Bifhops ordainArch-Bithops : and who fhall ordain the Patri arcks, or (if you be for him) the Pepe ? Have they all fuperiours to do it ? 3. The third Reafon from Hiftory I (hall confute in due place : -only here retorting it thus: In Scripture times no fixed Diocefan ever did ordain, therefore none filch fhouldnow ordain. 2. Butnext let usdifiinguith, r. Between ordaining totire Miniflry in the UniverfalChurcü vrithout affixing to a,particular Charge, and the fixing of a Pallor in that particular Church. And, 2. Between . ordaining a Biotop or Plenary Parlor, and a halfParlor called now a Presbyter. t. As Baptifm as loch loth joyn a man to -noparticular Church, but only to the tlniverfal, but yet they that have opportunity fbould fecon- darilyby a farther ad of content air() joyn thetrfelves to the particulir Church where they live ; but if they live where they have no fuchoppor- tunity,they tauft do it after as foon asfuch opportunity cometh : Even fo ordination to the factedMiniffry as fuchdoth fix a man to no pasticuise Church, but make him a Minifies of Chriti to the world for wens car., X