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( 43) But-that the Papacy is the far more wicked Ufurpation, a pretending to more ofChrift's Prerogative. 77 We hold therefore that the Roman Church, as filch, that is, a pretending to be the Church-Catholick,. Headed by an ( Ufurping) Uni- verfal Bifhop, isno true. Church ofChritìç, but a Humane and traiterons llfurpation and confpiracy, therefore by Proteftants called Antichriftian: Though thofe that are true Chriftians among them are Parts of Chrift's Catholick Church, and thofe that are true Paftors among them, may be the Guides of true particular Churches. 78. We hold therefore that no Power on Earth , Popes, Council or Prince, hath power to make 1ZniverfalLaws to bind the whole Church -of. Chrift on Earth, becaufe there is noUniverfal Heador Soveraignbut .Chrifl. 79. By all this it is evidènt that we grant all thefe followingdifpa. -aities in the Church: r. The difparity of Age, ftanding, and Gifts among Minifters--of the fame Order: 2. A kind of paternal priority where one was the Teacher, Educater, or Ordainer of the other. 3. An accidental difparity, when one only by the Patron or Magiftrate bath the foie poflèflion of the Maintenance and power of the Temple. 4. We will not unpeaceably contend againft the guiding power or ne- gative Vote of One Bifhop in a particular Church over the relt of the Páftors of the fame-Office; Nor do we take fuch a power to make a di. ftind Office. g. Wedo notftrive againft the' Prefidency of one, in Sy- nods, as Moderator; No though it were durante via (which. Bifhop Hall thought would ferve to heal u3.) 6. We do not deny Obedienceto any Bifliop, who is Commiffioned by theKing, to exercife as a Church - Magiftrate, his part of the Church Government- 7. Much lets do we strive againft the Power of Kings and Lawful Magiftrates Circa; Sacra, (of which Grotius hath excellently written de Imper.) But we take the Magiftrate to be the necetfary and only Ruler by the Sword,, to keep Peace andOrder among Churchmen, as well as among men of all other Profeßïons. 8. Yea, I do not contend againft the Divine Rightof Ge- neral Bifhops, (or Archbiflaops) fuch asTimothy and Titus, nor will de- ny Obedience to them, who take care as Vifitors of Many Churches, which have every one their proper Bifhop, one or more, with true ple- nary Paftorai power of the Keys, to guide the people of their charge. 9. We refufe not to receive Ordination from fuch General Bifhops. to. Nor dowe refufe to be refponfible to them, when we are accufed of any male Adminiftration,, or to admit ofAppeals from us to them. 80. By all which it appeareth, i. How falf y we are charged to be againft all Epifcopacy. 2. Andhow faifly and deceitfully all thofe Wri- ters ftate theCafe and plead againft us, that only plead for a Congre- gational or Parochial Epifcopacy, or any of this which we grant; and how theycheat their Readers, whomake thembelieve, that our Contra. verfie is, whether there fhould be any Epifcopacy, andnot what kind ofE- G z pifcopacy