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(72) Theprefcript of Penance he faith is no Jurifdiftion, but as theCouncel of a Phyfitian, or Lawyer, or Philofopher. That the denyingof the Sacra- ments is not properlyJurifdiaion, he thus (excellently) explaineth 4.229. As he that Baptizeth, or as the old cuflome was, puts the Eucharifl into ones mouth or hand, cloth exercife an aft of Miniflry and not of 7urifdic`fion ; fo alto he that abflaineth from the fame ails. For the reafon of the 'vifible fign, andof the audible is the fame : By what right therefore a Paftor denounceth by-words to one that is manifeflly flagitious, that he is an utter alien to the Grace of God; by the fame rightalto he doth not Baptize him, becaufe it is the fign of remiffon offin ; or if he be Baptized giveth him not the Eucharifl, as being the fignof communion with Chrifl. For the fign is not to begiven to himthat the thing fg nified doth not agree to ; nor are pearls to be given to fwine : But, as the. Deä:- canvas wont to cry in the Church [Holy things arefor the Holy] Tea it were not only againfl Truth, but againfl charity, to make him partaksr of the Lords Supper, who .difcerneth not the Lords Body, but eateth anddrinketh judgment to t himfelf: ¡n theft things while the Paflor dothonly fufpend his ownafl, andcloth Be it not exercife any Dominio» over the afis of others, it is apparent that this be- known to lon the vfe of Liberty, and not to the exercife of yurifdiflion. Such like is pofterity the cafe ofa Ph teian refuting to ive an H dro is water whenhe de iretb it that if the f f yf give y P f , Prelates or in agrave perfon who refufeth to aiutea profligate fellow, and in thofe that would avoid the company ofthe Leprous. (Only it muff be remembred that this avoi- havegran-_dance is by a Society governed therein by an Officer ofDivine Inftitu- ted us but fion.) much libert Next he proceeds to the Churches duty, and fiseweth, s . That as Cy- our di priais faith, The Laity that is obedient to God's commands, ought to feparate ftra&ed themfelves from afnful Palloror Prelate (thatis, that isgrofly bad.) 2. That Churches they ought to avoidfamiliarity with fcandaiousChriflians: As a Scho/larmay have had forfake a bad Teacher, and as an honefi Man may leave the friend fhip of the Çoncord. flagitious. As for the namesof Depofition and Exeammunicataon, he fáith, That we mutt interpret the nameby the thing, andnot the thingby thename; And that the Church depofeth a Paftor when they forfake him or refufe too ufe him, and Excommunicateth a man, when they avoid his communion declare him unmeet for communion.) In all which the Church ufeth her own right, but taketh not away another mans. Then for the Canonical Enquiries after faults, and impofitions of Pe- nence, or delays ofabfolution, he fheweth that both theCanons and Judg- ments by them beingbut prudential DeterminationsofModesand Circum- ftances, bound none butConfenters, without the Magiftrates Law, except as the Law of Naturebound them to avoid offences. (He fhould add, [and as obedience in general isdue toChurch-guides of Chrift's appoint- anent.]) And how the Magiftrate may conftrain the Paftors to their duty. Chap. so. He fheweth that there are two perpetual Fusiflions in the Church, Presbyters and Deacons : I call them Presbyters (faith he) withall theAncient Church, who feed the Church with the Preachingof the Word, the Sacraments