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Ageneral complaint of the Prevalency ofSelpnefs. preffion, and grofs deceit,A// thefe have I avoidedfrom toyyouth: Education may moderate fome fe/flA defires, and natural tem- per may further that moderation : and curcom and good com- pany and holy precepts may yet do more : and wit may teach men to do or fuffer fomewhat. rather then to run on the wrath olGodand thereforemany thoufands may deny /elfthe pleafure of fome inordinate luft, or of fome recreation, or excels in meat or drink, and yet be far from denying life and all, and fo from the true felf-denyal of a Chrifiian : Nay a man may deny Pelf for felf in many particulars, and fo may pleafe felfmore then he denyeth it. Many a civil ingenuous Gentleman and other perfons will forbear the difgracefull fins ofDrunkennefs, filthy fpeaking, Whoredome, Incivility, notorious Prophanefs, even becaufe they are difgracefoll, and therefore are againfl the Interef} of felf ; fo much as felf can poffibly fpare, a carnal heart may be brought to part with. But fiill fe/fis alive and predominant within them,flill it is the Ruling end and Principle. But to go out of fe/f to God, and refign up our felve.r to him, and poffefs no intereft but him and in him and to have no- thing that we efleem or love, or care for, in comparifon ofhim, knowing that for him we were made, redeemed, preferved and fan6tified, and therefore defiring to be wholly and only his,and to have no credit, no goods, no life, no felf, but what is his, for his fervice,at his will and at his Difpofal and Government and provifion ; this is the true ferf-denyal, which the fpirit of God viiorkah in a prevailing though not a perfect meafure,in everygracious believing foul. But alas Sirs, how flrange is this in the world, and howweak and low in the fouls where it is found ! And what matter of Lamentation would a furvey of the world, or of our felves prefene us with 1 Is not SELF the great Idol which the whole world of unfanetified men loth worthip ? Who is it that ruleth the children of difobedience, but carnal fell' ii For what is all the fir and fiirrings, the tumults and contentions of the world but for fe/f? This ruleth Kingdoms , and this is it that raife:h wars , and what is it except the works of Holiefs but felf is the author of Look unto the Thrones and Kingdoms of the earth, and conjecture how many /cif hath advanced and placed