Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Prevaleney ofSelghnefs in all Relations. 37 call him all to naught, efpecially if he give him but two or three boxes on the ear and fee whether he will let that man alone. But let the fame man abufe the name of God , and break his Laws, and with toomany he may be let alone , unlefs they be urged to do Juflice. And ho-vv comes this difference ? Why fell is toucht in one, and it is but God (But God ! 0 Atheifts1) that's touched in the other. Self cando more with them then God can do ( Remember dill when I fay that felf can do more with them then God, that I fpeak not of what God could do by his Omnipotency if he would ; but of the final Caufality , or the fmall intereft that God hath in their hearts by holy Faith and Love. ) Again, let but a fervant rob the Magiftrate, and carry his mo- ney and goods to an Ale-feller to refetf ; and try whether he will look after him and the Ale-feller. And why not as loon and as zealoufly when Ale-fellers refett mens Ions and fervants, and drown mens underflandings and turn them into bealts ? Why ? becaufe inovne it is but God and mens fouls that are con- cerned ; ( a matier of nothing ) but in the other it is Pelf , ( a greater matter with them. ) Shall I give you but one inftance more , that the Ale-fellers themfelves will rake my part in, fo far as to bear me witnefs that its true Here are Farmers of the Excife that have power to know what Ale-houfes are in the Town, and their gain lyeth on it : and there (hall fcarce a man in Town or Countrey fell Ale fo fecretly but they will know it ; nor fell a Barrel but what they are acquainted with. They do not fay , I am not bound to go fweb after them :3 nor that they be not able to difcover them and to bring them to pay Excife. But the ?suffices' ( too com- monly) can overlook abundance that the Excife-men can find; and they cannot make one of twenty pay, when the other can ; And whats the matter ? Whyone works for/elf and money, and the other works but for God and his own and other mens falva- tion ( a fmall matter !) See then .beyond denyal what fi/f and money can dowith fuch men , when God and mens fal vation can do next to nothing, But I muff defire you not tomiftake me , and think I fpeak this of any honeft godly Magiftrate and abufe the good by F 3 joynir g