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To try our felf-denial : the fincerity ofthe leafl degree. 65 CHAP. XI. Lire 2. To try our fel denial : the fincerity of the leaft degree. life Z. OfExhortation. Eloved hearers, I have now befo-e me as great a fin and J.J iarger to deterr you from (even felfiflanefs and its effzth) and as great a Duty to offer to your entertainment (even felf- delial) as any (lave one) that I am acquainted with in the world. The railingup the foul to God is indeed the great& work : But-,the mortifying of the flefh, and the Denying of Pelf, is Purely the next to it being a real part of the change. You hear Miniffers tell you oft he odioufnefs, and danger, and fad effecis of fin : but.ofall the fins that ever you heard of, there is fcarce any more odious and dangerous then this and yet I doubt there are many that never were much troubled at it, nor fenlible of its malignity. My principal requelt therefore to you is, that as ever you would prove Chriflians indeed, and be faved from fin and damnation that follows it; take heed of this deadly finoffelfrAmefs, and be fare you be poffeffed with true feif-denial : and if you have it, fee that you ufe and live up- on it. And for your help herein, I fhall i. Tell you how your felf-denial mull he tried ; and z. How it mull be exercifed; and 3. 1 flaill give you fome further Reafons to perfwade you to it and 4. Some Direffions for the procuring and flrengthening it. T. The trial of your felf-denial may be performed by the help of the Signs that have been given you before. In the ten particulars mentiornd in the beginning , you may fee what is JerOnefs, and what isfelf-denial. But for your further facisfa- dion, I fhall only tell you in a few words, how the leaf' mea. fure of true (elf-denial may be known. And, in one word, that is thus : Wherever the Intereft of Carnal felfis fironger and more predominant habitual') then the Intereft of God, of Chriff, of everlafling life, there is no truePelf-denial or laving grace : But K where