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To try our [elf. denial : the fincerity ofthe leafl degree. 67 rity, to part with chat which was deareCt to LI1,2 flab. Abraham mull be tried by parting with his only Son. And Cbrill makes it his {landing rule , He that forfaketh not all that he bath, cannot be my Dilciple Luke I 3 3. Yet it is true that flefh and blood may make much refittance in a gracious heart ; and many a {hiving thought there may be , be- fore with Abraham we can part with a Son, or before we can part with wealth or life : But yet on deliberation, felf-denial will prevail, and there is nothing fo dear to a gracious foul, which he cannot fpare at the will or God, and the hope of everlalting life. If with Peter we should flinch in a temptation, we fhciuld return with Peter in weepingbitterly, and give Chrill thole lives that in a temptation we denied him. For Habitually God is dear- eit to the foul. 6. In a word, true felt- denial is procured by the Knowledge an- Love of God, advancing him in the foul, to tle dc baling of fe lf. 5 he illuminated Soul is lo much taken with the Glory and Goodnets of the Lord , that it carrieth him out of himfelf to God, and as it were eilrangeth him from himfclf, that he may have communion with God ; and this makes him vile in his own eyes, and abhor himfelf in du R and aches ; He is loft in himfelf ; and fee king God,he finds kimielfagain in Ged.It is nor a Stoical Refolucion, but the Love or Lied and the Hopes of Glory that make him throw away the world, and look concernptuoufly on all below, fo far as they are nicer provifion for the flefh. Search now, and try your hearts by there evidences, whe- ther you are poffeffed of this neceffiry grace of felt denial. 0 make not light of the matter Sirs, and preCurne not of it, till you End good gronands. For 1 mutt tell you, rhatfelf is themolt treacherous eaerny, and the moll infinuating deceiver in the world. It will be within you when you are not aware of it, and will conquer you when you perceive not your lelves much troubled with it, and of all other vices is both the hardell to findour,and the hardeR to caft out ; the harclell to difcover,and the hardetl,to cure. Be fure therefore in the Erfi place that you have felf-eirnial .. and then be lure that you ufe it and live in the praatce of it. And for this I mull give you more particular ad- vice. K 2 CIiAP.