Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Fp le Dedicatory. --..-1111110.111111111 when we are told that he that will Pave his life than lofe it and wholoever will lofe his life, for the fakeof Clqiii,fhall find it, Min, i6. 25. and when we know that we own a mile that fhall prevail at Taff, and refit them whofe end (hall be according to their works , 2 Car. I I 1 5. And what though this be unknown to the op- pofers ti That will not warrant us to betray a caufe that we knoiv to beof God ; norwill the ignorance of others excuCe us for negleCring known truth and duty. If the fouls of private perfons be worth all the ftudy and labour of our lives, and we mutt deal faithfully with them,whatever it fhall coft us; Purely the fiafety of a Nation, and the holes of our pofterity, and the pub- like intereft of Chritt,is worthy to be fpoken for with much more zeal, and we may Culler more joyfully , for contradicting a publike deth over of the Church, then for telling a poor drunkard or whoremonger of his iin and mifery, Hitherto I have permitted my pen to exprels my fenfe of the common want of Pelf-denyal in the Land : Now give me leave, as your moff affeaionate faithful, friend, to turn my [file a little to your felt., and earneft- ly to entreate of you theft following particulars. 1. In general, that as long as you live you will watch againft this common deadly fin of Stiffing's , and fludy continually the duty of Self-deynal. We {hall be empty of Chrift, till we are Noth;ng in our [elves. Blared are the poor in fpirt, for theirs is the Kingdom, of Heaven. Self is the ftrongeft and moft dangerous enemy that ever youfoughtagainft. It is a whole Ar- my united ; and the more dangerous becaufe fo near.. Many that have fought as valiantly and fuccefsfully arazainft other (atime.s as you,have at lalbeen conquer-