Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Pteface: CEt \Tani funt qui lauclantur, & mendaces qui laudant Auflin. It is God to whom the Praife is due, whom we know *e cannot praire too much, whole praifes we fhould love-to !peak, and hear. [ Iii laude Dei eft fecuritas laudis ; ut laudatur non 6. met , tie de laudato erubefcat faith Auftin. We mayboldi1 Praife him, of whom we arefare we never need to be albamed. It is God in hisfervants that we mull praife, and it is W.) his Intereft in our own Praife that we mutt regard. 5. Obfervebut upon what account it is that moil mens Af- fetlions are carried to, or againft their neighbours , and then judge by this of their felf-denyal. Even men that would be ac- counted godly, do Love or hate men according as their felf-inte- commandeth them , more then according to the Interefl of Chriff. Letaman be never fo eminent in holinefs ,. and never fo mfeful andferviceable in the Church , and One that hath proved faithful in thegreateft tryals, if he do but oppofe a felfith man , and be thought' 6y hiM to be againft him, he hateth him at the heart, or bath as bale contemptuous thoughts of hien, as malice can fRggelk. He can as ea lily nollifie all his graces, ,and multiply his fmalleft infirmities into afwarmof crimes, by a cenforious mind anda flanderO114 tongue , its if vertue and vice received their form and denominations from the re#ed of men's minds' and waies to him and allmin Were fofar good or evil, they pleth hirti or diipleafe 'and he expect that others Aould efteem men- loch as he ispleafed to defcribe cr. call them. Let all the Coun- trey be the xvitnedes of a mans upright andholy life', yea let the multitude of theungodly themfelves be convinced of it, fo far as that their conic iences areforced to bear witnefs. of him, as Herod didof John ' Mark 6. 20. that he was a juft man and an holy yet can the felfith hypocrite that is againft him, blot out his up- rightnefs with a word, and makehim to be Proud, or Falfe , or Covetous, or what his malice pleafe ; yea make him anHypo- crite as he is indeedhimfelf. No man< can be good in their eyes, that is againft them : or if he be aciqyavledged &ne,tt. itt the main, it is mixt with exceptions and charge's enough, to OP*him feem Whik theyconfefs himhoneft : and if theyacknowledge hima man,. they rod ro;that defcribe him to be fo plaguy or le- prous,that hefbalt be thought not for humane conuerfe. Sucha man