Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Contents. Chap, 29. 12. Children and Relations how to be denyed--- p156 Chap. 30. 13. Revengeful paffions to be denyed, p. 163 Chap. 31. 14. Vfelefs Hift-ory and News to be denyed, p. 164. Chap. 32. 15. Vnneceffary k,noWledge anddelight therein,to be denyed - p. 167 Chap. 33. 16. AfaCliom defire of the fuccefs of our Own opinions, and the thriving of our own parties , as fuch , to be denyed P.170 Chap. 34. 17. Carnal Liberty to be denyed. There is an Holy Liberty, which none muff deny : And a wickedLiberty which none mug delire : And an indifferent Liberty : How far this mug be denyed. P. 175 Chap. 35. 18. Our Native Countrey and Habitations to be denyed, P. 183 qap. 36. 19, Bodily Healthand Eafe from pains, p.185 Chap. 37. 20. Natural life to be denyed, p. 19° Chap. 38. Twenty Reafens to move its to deny our Lives 5 and yield to violent ornatural death with comfortable fubmiffion , when God requirethit, P. 195 Chap. 3 9. An anfwer tofoch Doubts u are raifed by the fears of death, p.220 Chap. 40. Direffions toprocure a willingnefs to die , p. 222 Chap. 41. Self-denyal in point of Honour and _Pride. And 1. Of climbing into dignities, or high places, p. 229 Chap. 42, 2, The Love andcommendations of others, to be de-. nyed- P. 234 Chap. 43. 3 . The Reputation of Wealth to be denyed - p.236 Chap. 44, 4. Cornelynefs and Beauty to be denyed. p. 237 Chap. 45. 5. Strength and Valour to be denyed p. 238 Chap. 46, 6. Wifdomand Learning to be denied- p. 23 9 Chap. 47. 7. Reputation of Spiritual Gifts and Abilities to be denyed p. 240 Chap, 48, 8. The reputation of being Orthodox , how to be denyed- P. 246 ( h) Chap. -01.11111111011111111Mli _