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11¢ Lphefians, Chap.l . V ER .10. include ; It bringeth us to have fellowfhipwith Chrift the mediator, with God, with Angels, with fpirits of juft men departed, with the predeftinateones, whole names are written in heaven,with all in earth, whoarc beleevingmembers in Chrift : Itbreakethcompany, by reafon ofmens corruption, which maketh them, theyhad rather live thrals of Saran , in their ignorance and lufts, and cuflomes ofignorance, then fuffer themfelves, yeelding obedience, to be gathered to Chrift. Doll.3 Obferve thirdly from hence, that this pleafure of opening the Gofpell, was propofed for gathering all things to Chrift their head. Obferve, that who fo ever have beene, are, or (hall be gathered to Chrift, they arebrought to this byopening the Gofpell. God didpur- pofe this grace ofopening the Gofpell, not forour fakeonely, whoare from Chrift to theend ofthe world, tobebrought to him, butfor their fakes who are then in heaven when Pauldid write there words in hand. There is but one eternall Gofpell ; never was there other name made gat. r. knowne, in which men might be faved, then the name ofIefau Chrift yeflerday, to day, andfor ever, the onely wayoffalvation.vlbraham law the dayof Chrift,and rejoyced ; yea,fromAbel downward, it was by faith on that promiled feede, that they were accepted. What is the whole redeemed Church ! a number called forth by God out ofthe world, to partake in forgiveneffe of finne, and life eternall through Chrift. When the whole Church is a multitude of fuch as are called; and Gods call is nothing but the inward and outward, or at leaft the inward opening of the Gofpell, to fuch whom he hath pre- deftinated to falvation: It cannot be but that every one who isof, or belongeth to the Church, muff have this wifdomeof Godopened tohim. Y/e r; It is to be obferved, notonely againft thole old heretickes, but many deluded foules inour times, who are ofminde, that if they follow their confcience, and live orderly in any kinde ofbeleefe, it will ferve their turne : But he that followerh fuch a blinde confcience, will finde our Saviours fpeech true ; Ifthe blinde lead the blinde, both will come into the ditch; his confcience and he will both peri(h, ifhe learnenot this way of faith and obedience to the Gofpell of Chrift. Y f a, Againe, it muff teach us tocome under this ordinanceof God,revea- linghis truth ; for this is the great dragge, which taketh all fuch good fifh,fuch perlons asbelong to thekingdome ofheaven. Dotl,g; In Chrifi, even in him.] Obferve, who it is inwhomweare gathered together, as fellow members each with other. We are fitly laid to he gathered in Chrift together, bothbecaule hehathaboli(hed theenmitie twixt God and us, and fo removed that which did difperfe us. a. He cloth call us, and effedtually draw us home in his time ; even as Shep: heardsdoetheir flockes, which arenow fcattered : When Iam liftedup, I willdraw all; Howoften mouldI have gatheredyou ? 3. In him ; as in the fame point we are allofus one : Even asall thefamilies of the earth, in regardofAdam their firft parent, the common roote and flocke ofall imankind; theyare all but one; Orras the Subjes ofEngland, Scot- land,