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, AN ENTIRE COMMENTARY Q'üvfPO\IT.HEaír VVHOLE EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLE PIIVL TO THE EPFIESIANS: Wherein theText is learnedly and fruitfully openedwitha Logicall Analyfis, fpirituall and holy Obfervations, confutationofArminianfine andPopery, And found edification for the diligent READER. PREACHED B Y Mr T i1V L 73 JJY5(E, Sometime Preacher of Gods Wordat St Ax D it aw E s in CAMBRIDGE. r Cor. 12.7. The manifefiatienof theSpirit is given to every man topplewithalI. gr é 1' LONDON, Printed by M.F. for R.Milhearne, and I. Bartlét. a 6 4 ;é

TO THE RIGHT VVORSHIPFVL, MY MUCH HONOURED Friends , Six IOHN DINGLEY, And 7 Sir ROBERT WOOD, OD, Knights : Mercyandpeace in our LordIefus Cbrill bee multiplied. I R. s,in this age ofPamphlets,true and falfe,my Stationer as a friendofpiety,hath (with adi. wonted boldneffe) adventured to print and fendforththis worthy Commentary, on that divine EpiftleofPaul to theEphelians:Which, as at other times it might bee ufefull to the ChurchofGod, fo efpecially, at this time it maybe ofufe (by the novelty) to take off the hearts of Chriltians from idle Pamphlets, too much in requeft, and pitch them on the grave andweighty points ofReligion, which hereinare pithilyope- ned,and applied to the confcience. The Epiftle ingenerali may becalled (by the Apoftles owne dire&ion) his knowledge in the mylterie ofChriPt, Chap. 3.4. In thetwo fir$ Chaptershe difcourfeth ofelection, and the freegrace ofGod,ihPavinghis people byChrift, Gentiles as well as Jews. In the third here- capitulates his dotrine,and applies it to this Churchof Ephe- fus,praying theymay have the fenfe, ufe, and comfort ofit in thofe tronblefome times, whereinto the Churches were footle calf. In the fourth, and two laft,he exhorteth thispeopletoall holy duties,whichdobelt fuit with fo holy do&rine;as he had delivered. And if in thefe dayesour Apoftle were confulted withall,as fuck an Oracle deferveth; and this holy Int whohadbothhis name and fpirit: neither Arminian]. Poperyon the one fide,could fo prevaile uponthe worldás it hathdone; nor on the other fide prophaneneffe and carnali mindedneffe, in them that turne thegrace ofGod into fafcvi- A 3 oufneffe.

TheEpleDedicatory. oufnefle. For theChurches fake are thefe things thus publi- fhed : that though Ifrael play theharlot yet may not Judah tranfgreffe.And it will begood wifdome in Chriítians,amidlt all thefefearesanddif}rations, (which prove alto ditaé}ions to manya mans courfe of piety, efpecially in reading good bookes) towithdraw themfelves from the noifeand duffof theworld,and redeemeas much timeas they can, forperufing thofe holy truths which are here skilfully , and in a fpirituall manner, expounded. Mod unhappy is that man, who is too well knowne amongothers and at lad dyeth unknowne to himfelf. Toyou both, nobleSirs, ( beingby Gods providence and goodneffe neere neighbours, both in place and piety,) I am bold to dedicate thefe Meditations of that worthy fervantofGod, whole name is yet fo Tweet in the Church. Which I have adventured to doe ( not fo much to crave patronage for the Worke, which isable todefend it felfe, as ) to give you thankes publikely for your love to this poore Town of Kingftone , for your kind refpe& to us the Preachers, and your dailyattending at the Courtsofwifdome, whichmight be agood example to provoke the dulnefs ofour backward and negligent people : and oh that this late afflitti- on might awakenus all out ofthat deep fecurity , which had too muchpoffeffed us ! The (word is now come to fecond the' word : that, what wasnot done in amilde way, may be done ina rugged. And happywe if we fin no more left aworfe thing come uponus. I (hall beglad, if byperufing thefeTrea- tifes at leafure, there Thal] be any thing added to yourzeal in Religion, that you may get quit}more intoyour hearts, and advancehimmore in yourlives, which will be your true Ho- nour, andbakingcomfort, when all Titles and good things of the world will vanifh into nothing. And thus, commending you both,with all yours,to the grace ofourheavenlyFather, f humbly take my leave, and intreat your pardon for this my boldneffe : being Xinglïmu. Dec,' 2, 1642. Your Worf rips much obliged, W. JEMMAT.

Dr. S t B B s his judgement ofthe Author ofthis COMMENTARY: in a preface to the Expofition of the firfi Chapter , publifhed divers yeares agoe. Otwithftanding the worldscomplaint,of the furfeit ofBooks (hatywits being over forward to vent theirunripeand mif- (hapen conceits ) yet in all ages there hathbeene,and will be neceffaryufes ofholy Treatifes , applyable to the varietyof occafions ofthe time ; becaufemen ofweaker conceirs,can- not fo eafily ofthemfelves difcerne how one truth is infer- red from another, and proved by another, efpecially when truth is controverted by men ofmore fubtile and flronger wits. Whereupon, as Godstruth hath in all ages beene oppofed in fome bran- ches of it ; fo the divine providence that watcheth overthe Church, raifed up fome to fence the truth, and make up the breach. Mengifted proportionably to the time,and as well futnifhed to fight Gods barrels, as Satans champions have beene to (land for him : neither have any points ofScripture beene more exaû- ly difcuffed, then thofe that have been mot} fharply oppugned, oppofition whet- tingbothmens wits and induflry, and in feverall ages, men havebeene feveral- lyexercifed. The ancienteft of the Fathers had todeale with themwithout,(the Pagans) andefpeci ally withproud Hereticks, that made their owneconceits the meaCureofholy truth, believing no more then they couldcomprehend in the ar- ticles ofthe Trinity , and natures ofChrift, whence they bent their forces that way, and for their matter wrote moreCecurely. Not long after, theenemies of grace, and flatterersofnature, flirted up S.augufline tochallenge the doéfrine ofGods predeflination and grace our of their hands , which he did with great fucceflè, as fitted with grace, learning and wit, for fuel' a conflia, and no Scrip- turesare more faithfully handled by him, then thole that were wrefted by his oppoli tes, and Inch as made for the.ffrengthening ofhis owne cauCe ; In other writingshe tooke more liberty, his Scholars Profer, Futgentius andothers, ¡me- read them (-elves in the fame quarrell. In proceffeoftime, mendeirous ofquiet, and tiredwith controvertes, began to lay afide the (lady ofScriptures , and hearken after an eafier wayof ending ffrife, by the determinationofone man, (the Snapof Rome) whom virtually they made the wholeChurch ; Co the people were (hut up under ignorance and implicite faith, which pleafed themwell, as eating themof labour of fearch, as upon the fame irkefomeneffe oftrouble,in the Eafleme parts, they yeilded to the confufionand abomination ofMahometifme. And left Scholars fhould have nothingto doe, theywere let to'tye, and untie Schoole knots,and f pin quetfions out oftheirownbraine,inwhich brabbles they were fo takenup, that theyNightly lookedtoocher matters; as for queflions of weight they were fchooled co refolve all into the decifive fensence of the Sea Apofiolicke ; the authorityofwhichtheybent their wits toadvance ; yet then Wifdome found childrento juflifie her : for Scriptures that made forauthority ofPrinces, and again(' ufurpationofPopes, were well clearedby Ocean, Mar/1- lius, `Patavinus,and others,as thofeof Predeflination and Grace by ariminuufss, Bradwardine, and their followers , againti Pelagianifine, then nitwit prevailing. At lengththe Apoftafie ofPopery fpread fofar , that God in pitty to his poore Church, railed upmenofinvincible courage, unweariedpains, and great skill in Tongues and Arts, to free Religion, fodeepelyinchralled; from whence it is that we have fo many judicious Tradtates andCommentaries in this latter Age; Andyet will there be neceflàry ufe offurther fearch into the Scriptures, as new heretics J

To the leader. herefiesarife, or old arerevived, and further flrengthened. The convi&ion of which, is thenbet when their crookedneffe is brought to the I#reight ruleof Scriptures cobedifcovered. Befides, newexpofitions ofScriptures will be ufefull, in refpe&ofnew ccmptations,corruptions inlife andcafes ofeonfeience,in which the minde willnot receiveany fatisfying refolution , but from explication and applicationof Scriptures. Moreover, it is not unprofitable that there fhould bedivers Treaties of the fame portion of Scriptures , becaufe the fame truth maybebetter conveyed to theconceits offomemen by fome mens handling then others, one man relifhing one mans giftsmore then another; And it isnot meet that thegloryofGods goodneffeand wifedomefhould beobfcured, which fhineth in the variety ofmens gifts, efpecially feeing thedepth of Scripture is fuch,that though men had large hearts , as the fandofthe lea forre, yet could they not emptyout all thingscontained; for though themaine principles be not many , yet dedu6tions and conclulons are infinite , and uacill Chrills feeond comming to judgement, there will never want new occafion of further fearch and wading into thefe deepes. In all which refpe&sthis Expottion ofthisholy man, deferves acceptance of the Church, as fitted to the times (as the wife Reader will well difcerne.) Some fewplaces are not fo full ascould be wifhed, for clearing fome few obfcurities ; yet thofe thattooke the careofletting them our, thought it better to let them paffe as they are, thenbe over-boldwith another mans work, in making him fpeake what he did not,and take themas they be. The greaten (hall fndematter to exercife rhemfelves in; the meaner, matteroffweet comfort and holy inflru- dìion, and all confeffe, thathe hath brought fome light to this excellent portion of Scripture. He was a man fit for this raske,amanofmuch communion with God,and ac- quaintance withhis owneheart, obfervingthe dailypaffages ofhis life, and ex- ercifed much with fpirituall eonflidts : As S.`Paulin this Epifile never feemeth co farisfiehimfelfe in advancingtheglory ofgrace, andthe vileneffe ofman in himfelf; So this our `Paulhad large conceiptsofrhefe things,a deepe ¡alight into the teylxery ofGods grace, andmans corruption ; he could therefore enter fur- ther intoPauli meaning,havingreceived a largemeafure ofPaulr fpirit. Hewas one that fought no great matters in theworld , being taken up with comforts andgriefes,untowhich theworld is a Granger ; one that hadnotall his learning out ofBookes , of a flarpe wit,and cleare judgement : though his meditations were of a higher tiraine thenordinary, yet hehad a good dexterity, furthered by his lovetodoe good, in explaining darke pointswith lightfome fimilitudes, Hismanner of handling quellions in this Epifile is preffe, and Schoole- like,by Argumentson both fides, Conclufions , and Anfwers, a courte more futable to this purpofethen loofedifcourfes. In fencingdown the obje& ofGods Predefiination, he fucceeds him in opi- nion, whomhe fhcceeded in place; in which point Divines accord not,who inall other pointsdoe joyntly agree againk the troubleraofthe Churches peace, in our neighbour Countries ; for fome would have man lye before Godin predefti- nating him,as in lapfed andmilerable eflate;others would have God inthat fief} decree CO confiderman abfiraeted from fuchrefpeas, and tobe conlidered of, as a creature alterable,and capable either ofhappineffe or mifery,andfit to be difpo- fed of by God, who is Lord ofhis owne, to any fupernaturallend ; yet botha- gree in this; Firf#, that therewasan eternall feparation ofinen in Godspurpofe, Secondly,that this fidl decreeofrevering man tohis ends,is an aet offoveraign- tyover his creature, and altogether independant ofany thing in the creature, asa caufeofit,efpecially in comparative reprobation, as why herejeaed lulu, and notPeter; Gn forefeene cannot be the calve, becaufe that was common toboth, and thereforecould benocaufeoffevering. Thirdly, allagree inthis, that dam- nation

To the 12eader. nation is an adi ofdivine juflice, which fuppofeth demerit ; and therefore the execution of Gods decree is founded on fin, either ofnature,orlife, orboth. My meaning is not to make thecaute mine, byunneceffary intermedling; The wor- thineffeofthe menon both lidesis fuch, that it fhould move men to moderation in their cenfures either way ; Neither is this queBion of like confequence with others in this bufineffe, but there is awide difference betweene this difference and other differences. And one cauteofit, is thedifficulty ofunderfianding, how God conceives things,whichdiffers in the whole kind from ours, heconceivingof things, altogether andat oncewithout difcourfe, we one thing after another,and by another. Our comfort is, that what we cannot fee inthe light ofnature, and grace , we (hall fee in the light of glory , in the UniverfityofHeaven ; before which time, thatmen (hould in all matters have the fameconceipt of thingsof this nature , is rather to be wifhed for, then to be hoped. That learned Bi(hop, (now with God ) that undertooke the defence of M, Perkins, hath left to the Church, togetherwith the benefit of his labours, the forrow for hisdeath, the fame ofhis worth; an example likewife ofmoderat ion, who though he differed from M° Perkins in this point, yet (hewed that he could both affent in leffer things and with due refpea maintainin greater matters. Ifwe would difcerne ofdifferences, the Church would be troubled with fewer di({empers; I fpeake not asif way were tobe given to V rfian, lawlelfe, licentious liberty ofprophe- fie ; that every one, fo Toone as he is big oftome new conceit, (houldbring forth his abortive rnon(ler: for thus the pillarsofChriflian faith wouldbone be fha- ken, and the Church ofGod, which is a houfeoforder, would become aBabell, a houfeofconfufion, The dolefull iffues ofwhich pretendedliberty, we fee in `Polanea, Tranf,lvania, ánd in Countries neerer hand. We are much to blelfeGod forthe Kings Moietiesfirmeneffe this way, unto whole open appearing in thefe matters, and to the vigilancieof tome in place, we owe our freedome from that íchifine, that troubleth ourneighbours. But fordiverfiry ofapprehenlions ofmatters far remote from the foundation; thefe may Band with publike and perfonall peace. I will keep the Readerno longer from the Treatife ; the bleffing ofheaven go with it, that throughthe good done by it, much thankfgiving may be to God, in the Church, eelmen. Graves Inne. R. SIBBS.

The trines gathered out ofthis Commentary, upon the firft Chapter ofthe E P H E S I AN'5. Verfe t. Doit t. millers muff inculcate to Mthemfelves, and to thofe withwhom theyhave to deale, that their eating is from Cod. z Thequality oftheperfon that brings the matterofthis Epif le tous, is that he is an AmbajTador ofChriff. 3 We misil account it our greaten dignity that we belong toChrifl. 4 It is the will of God that dothafgne to tee our feverall callings. 5 eíil the membersof the vif bye Church are to be Saints, 6 In themoli wickedplaces,Godgathereth and maintaineth hie people, 7 It is faith in Chrift alone which maketh men Saints, Verfe z, Doi. t, It is the duty of Chriffs Mi- niffers to bleffe thefaithful lchildren of the Church, as in the nameof God. a The mollholyand juflified perfonshave needofgrace, 3 The moff excellent thing to be fought for aboveall other, ie thefavour ofGod, thathit Grace may be with su. 4 Truepeace is amotfngular bleffng, 5 eilll truepeace is that whiskis bred in to from theknowledgeof Cods love to- ward su. 6 god ourFather, and the Lord lefue Chrift are the authors oftruepeace, Verfe 3. Doit. t. ell goodheart muff be ready on confderation of Gods benefits to breake forth intopraifes, z Every Chri.Ftian heart is to magnifie rod, in that he bath been the Godof Chrift our Lord, 3 The fenfe and knowledge ofGods bleffing us, u ttwhich maketh God bleffe tes a- ffable, 4 Our heavenly Father ble_fith all his children, 5 Thefaithfull onto, and fancfified, are theywho are bleffedoftheFather. 6 Spiritua/lbenefits make the regenerate man thankefuli. 7 All ourblefings aregiven eta in the heavens. roddealeth liberally withhis children, giving them all kindeoff irituall blef- togr. 9 Wee come to bee bleffed inand through Chrift our Lord. Verfe4. Dot. T. OurEle5lion it a blefringwor- thyall thankefulneffe. z The EIeCt arefesch who have truefaith olineffe. 3 an Thdh e grace of Flellion beginneth with Chri/t,andde fcendeth toits in him. 4 Cods love borne us inChrift, is not of ye/lerda), but beforeallworld's. S God bath of Grace chafen to thefu- pernaturalllife. 6 Godbath not met) chafn us to this life, but tothe perfection ofit. 7 god bathofgracetaken seto this life, that weeAa /1 live in hisgloriouspre - fence. Verfe s. Doi. t. God lothfirfi love usto life, be- fore themeanesbringing to to life are de- creed, z Godbath notoneychofes,fume, butor- dainedefecluall means,which(hallmelt infalliblybring them to theentity which they are chojen. 3 Stichwe mayfay arepredeflinated, who havebeleeved, andare pint-lifted, 4 God bath determined beforeall worlds to bring usto this that wefhoildbehis adoptedchildren. 5 The life which God hash ordained by meansprepared tobring usunto , is a lifecomming immediatlyfromhis grace. 6 Cadout ofhis metre good willdothde- termine boththe end andall themeaner 6ywhichhewill bringau to the end, Verte 6, Doit, r.AA the Lorddidfrom eternity in- tend about man, bathno endbut hisowne glory. 2 Gad

TheDoetrines ofthis.Treacife. z goddoth generally intend the praife of ieg;Qrrace, ínallfachwhoarepredefina- red hyhim. 3 The attributes ofgodare his effentiaff glory, .4 Thatgracewhichintime doth worke all goodthingsfor wo, iithefame whichbe- forealltime didpurpofe them tous. s The grace ofGod doth bring us tore- ceiVefavour andgrace, in and through hie beloved. Verfe 7. Do&. i. In Chrift ie to be found delive- rancefrom alqirituall tbraldome. 2 n411of us are by nature no better then in afuiritnail captivity. 3 We have deliverancefrom ourff»irituall thraldonte by(brig. 4 That bywhich we are ranfomedand re- deemed, isthe bloodofChrif. 5 To have ourfinforgiven, is to beredee- medandfitfreefrom allevill. 6 Every believer on receiveth for- giveneffeofhisfins, 7 Go /from his richgracegeveth supardon offin, Verfe F. Do&.r. Godgiveth pardon offnto none, towhom hefir/i bathnotgivenwi fedome and underflanding. z Truewsfsdomet. and underflanding are gifts ofgodsIrate in Chriit leper. 3 Goddodogivewifedome andunderflan- dingplentifallyto tu,whofefinshe forgi- veth,. Verfe 9. Do51.r. God worketh frying wifdoméin whom he openeth not thedoffrine ofwifidome, the goldoffedvation. z The dottrine of ourfalvation through C'hrift is ahiddenfecrecie. 3 Thereap'', why god revealeth or openeth the Gofpelto any, inhis meeregracious pleafure withinhimfelfe. Verle r o. food hathfetfeafonswherein bee willaccompli fhall his purpofedwig, z Godby opening us the Gofpeldoth bring us his Chrifl. 3 Whofoever have hi,» or(hall begathered ro Chrift they are brought to him by opening theCgofpell. 4 Wee are gathered together ere fellow- members each with'other in Chrift3 Verfe t I. Do&.t, Beinga..Chriflwefinde not onel righeeoufnefeo.. him,but life everla ing. z 7 heway to findeour(elves predeflsnared before allworlds, is tofinde that wee are called, lufl:ed, fanllifred, 3 Every thing which commeth about , is Gods effettuall working. 4 What Godworketh or.willeth, he doth it with coesnfell, y What Godwrllethoiice,that heeffeettual_ l) worketb, Verfera, Do&,r, To be brought topith beforeo- thers, is a prerogative which perfonsfö calledhave above others. 2 The end ofall our benefits we attain in Chrift is this , that we mayfet outhis gloriousgraceandmercy towardus. Verfe 13. Do&. r, Codb ourhearing his WordBoth bring us to bepartakersonhisfpirit, z Thewordofthe' Gofpel iáthatwhich be- ingheard, bringtth us the yuic/e_ningf i. rit. 3 v111 Godspromifes made in Chrifl, are true andfaithful. 4 It is not enough to beare , but we marl believe before we can bep ertal _er softhe goodfpirit ofChrifl, s Thefaithfull areas it wereby fialecon - firmed touching their f lvation andfull redemption, 6 The holyfpirit, and thegraces ofthefpi- ritare thefiale affuring our redemption. Verle 14. Doa,I, Thefpirit dothnot only as afealei bat at an earn( peny given usfrom God, confirms unto as our heavenly in- heritance, 2 The fpirit abideh with us as apledge confirming us, till ourfullredemption. 3 Here below thefaithful feelenot them- (elvesfully delivered. Verfe t y, Do&:r, Mruif{ers mutt labour to know hop grace goethforward in thole with whom theyhaveto deal,, z The £phefians faith is occupied about the

The Do&tines of this Treatife, theLord lofaisChriFt. powerof Godwhichworkethinthem, 3 Faithand loveare neverdisjoyned , but ¡ z They in whom thepower of Godworketh caeach inhand one with another, 4 The loveoftrue beleevers it fet on the Saints,yea onall the Saints. Verge 16. Doet.r. Thegraceof God in othersmull moveChriflians, efpecialy tlWiao fliers to bethankefullto (jod, 2 Chriffians are to help each other with prayer,efpecialyMinifers theirconver- tedpeople. 3 Wemuff with perfeverance follow God in thofe things weprayfor. Verfe 17. DoEt. t , Wee mufffa confider rod, when we come to him inprayer,as thatwe may fee himin the things wedelire. 2 Eventrue beleevers have great want of heavenlywifedome, 3 Wehaveneednotonly ofwifdome where- by tounderfland, but of light manife- fling the fpirituall things which are to be underffoodofeis. 4 It is even Cod by thefpirit ofChrifl, whoworketh inus all truewifedome. s To grow up in the acknowledging of Chrifl, is the way to attain the more fnllmeafuroofthe f irit in everykinde. Verle IS. Doa.i. Theywhofefpiritualllight isre- flared, haveneed(till todepend on God, that their eyes may befurther andfur- therinlightned by him. z Even truebelieversknow not at frf1, in any meafure, chafe hopes which are kept in heavenfor them. 3 There is nogrounded hope, but anyof faith things as godhach cagedus to ob- tain:. 4 The inheritancekept for as is abundantly glorious. S The Saints are they to whom belongeth theheavenly inheritance. Verle t 9. Dote1.a. rods believing Children know notatfr/f anything clearey thegreat are truebelievers. 3 It is theeffellisall working ofGodsal- mightypower, which bringeth us to be- lieve. Verle so. Dol',. T. Thefelfe-famepowerputforth in raifng Chrisî our head is thatfngu- larpower which ra.feth us, z goddoch leade his dearefl children to the depth ofmifries, before hefend re- liefe, 3 God never fo leaveth his , butthat he fendeth falvation in due time, 4 God cloth make the abafement of his children dee the forerunners of their greatcfIglory, Verfe zI. Do& r, Our Saviour Chriff as man, is taken to have prerogative before every .other creature, z Chrift not oney as Ead,6ut see manalé, bathpowerover everycreature. 3 Chrifb is crowned with glory at Gods right hand before and above allthings. 4 There is a world to come , in which Chrifl andthole who are Chrilts, /hall reignfor ever. Verfe so, Dolt, i, Chrifl ismade asa head, having f a more Here and communicativefove- raignety over believers , then over any other. z God of his grace highrat only given us a head , butfleshahead to whom all things arefubjeti. Verle z3. D061.1. eilsChrifl is theheadof delee- vers,fo they are hisbody, and every be- lieving foule a member of this body, whereofhe is the head. z Chrifl dothnot count himfelfefull and compleate,withooetall hisfaithful!mem- bers, 3 Whatfoever thing isinns at Chriffians, allofit isfram Chriff. A

V E R.'<. Ephefians,Chap.t. {bel6% ." 3)6 t `'. t tia >1 A COMMENTARY VPON THE FIRST CHAPTEROF THE EPISLE of St. P A V L to the Epheflanr.. C éI A P. I. V Efi. I. P A V L,an Apofile of lefusCeìrifi,bg tloe willof Gad, ta the Saints of God ,te the Saints which tire at Ephefes,and tothefaithfull inchrifl lefus. E F ORE the wordsbe entred,it isfit topre mife fome few wordsconcerning,i.the Occa- fion,z. the Scope, and 3. the Methodof this Epiflle. Pirft,the Occafion wasthe Rateofthe Church, forr_feencbyPaal,.iüs 2,o. 2 Pet.s.t5 z.The Scope isto teach them theDoótrineof Gods moll rich grace, and to flirre them vp toeuery duty, in way of thankfulneffe. The parts ofthe Epiflle are three. r.ThePreface, in the two firflverfes.z. The Matter or fubflance ofthe Epiflle which reacheth fromthe 3.verfc;to the zt.ofthe fixt Chapter. 3.The Con- elution, thence to the end. In the Preface 3. things are contained, I.TheAuthors name,who isdefctibed by hisotlice,an Apoflle,which is further amplified; firft, from theperfon to whom he appertained, of for whom hewas imployed : fecondly, from the efficient caufe by which he was made anApotlle,the willafGad : This anfwereth to our fubfcriptions,forwe write ourowne names vnder our letters. 2. The namesofthe perlonstowhomhe writeth, who are firft propounded morebriefly,with the place they wereat,saints at Ephefus ; Secondly, it is expounded more clearely whom he meaneth by Saints, not Inch asart written in the Popes Kalendar, having Diuine honor done them, but fuchas are faithfull in Chrifl. Againe,thefewords may feeme to lay downe per fons,firft,tnorefpecially, as theSaintsat this place ; fecondly, more indefinitly andgenerally, as truebèkeuers on Chrid euery where; but thenote of quantity wanteth to make this fence : for Paulwould have fpoken its this manner. To the Saints at B Eobelms

a Ephepns, Chap. I. V a R.Z. Ephefuu,andto all thatbeleeueonChrift,ifthis had bin hismeaning, g, as r Carin.t,This Darr ofthePrefaceanfwereth toourfuperfcriptions wherewithwe endorfe our letters; for on the backe of our letters we vfe to expreffe thenameofour friend to whom they are direhted. The third thing in this Preface is his faluation. The words ofthis verfe needing no fùrther explication, we will note out the chiefe Inftruétions, which offer themfelues toour obleruation, and fo paffe on to the LecondVerfe. Firf, , that Paul dothvfe to fer forth his calling, beforehe entereth hismatter with them, it Both teach that Miniftcrs muff inculcate to themfelves, and luch as they haue todeale with, their callings from God.S.Pauldoth not text this foorth in the forefront ofeuery Epife; Paul,..feruanr ofebrif! : Paal, anApof[le of Chrifl, but that he found it a fit thing tobe propofed,both for his owne fake,and theirswich whom bee had to do s Euen as Ciuill Magiftrares do giùe out their Writs in the Kings name,with mentionofthe Office they beare vnder him, to theend that duerefpeamight be given himofthe fubiea: So this great Church-officer Both mention what place he heldvoder Chrift the King of his Church, that the things deliucred by him might be accordingly receiued : Inaword, this is good for the Minifter himfelfe, and for the people :HOW can he fpeake the words of God, asthe mouth ofGod, with reverence and all authority, Who confider .Dòä,2. not thatGodbath commanded tohim this peece of feruice ? a. The Minifiry is a worke fo weighty, that nomanofhimfelfe is fufficiont forit:Now what can more allure me that I (hail be made able, then to looksat God, who bath calledme to fach anoffice ? Princes call not theirSubieets toany feruice,but that they fee them furni;fhed with Doä.3, things requillee. 3. Lafily, whereas the difficulties and enmities which encounter faithfull.Minifters are many; howcould they looke to be fhielded againft all, but by holding their eyes on him who hath called them ? For people this is behoofefull, for it maketh themfanetifieGod inhearing, while they looke not fo much at man, asat God teaching by man,Rt` r lo. j 3. t Thef 2.13. It maketh them obey chofe that arc ouer them, when they haue confcience of this, that Godbath fent them:as a feruant, when he thiuketh his Lord or Lady bath fent any to him, doth readily doethat he is commanded. The Vieof which is to Ririevp Minihers wifely to teach this,aod lay it asa foundation: People likewife mull willingly heare- r; for, to acknowledge Gods call in fuch as minil}er to them,istheirgreat aduantage. Whenwe harpe on this firingany thing much,thenpotpie thinke it a fpice Of Pride and vaine-glory in vs, comming ónely from hence that we thiuke our Celtics not enough refpeóted thus Pao/ himCede might haue bcene mifconftrued: What?nothing but Paulan Apoftle ?cannot Paulhaue the office of Apoftle, bur all the townmuff be ofCounfell ? But as Saint Paul feared not toprefixe this,howfoeuerhis cuftome might bedepraucd; lb mutt wee imi- tate the fame,w prudent propofing the Minifiry we haue receiued from God, though euill minded men mifinterpret the fact, to their owne deftruítion. Paul 4# Obferue more particolarly, fira the quality and deree Doärinesof the r.verfc. Rtáfan. r. Vfe. Doff. 2.

V E R.I. Ephefran.f,Chap.i. 3 degreeof him, who bringeth the Doetrine of this Epiftle to vs ; He is anApoflle, one of the highett degree, an Embaffador of State, feat fromChrift, for fo the word fignifieth.Lookëas Kings haue their fuperiour and inferiour Magiftrates, from the Chancellor, to theCon(table;fo Chrift,the gloriousKingofhis Church, hath diners ordersof Minihers; the order ofApoftles being fupreame, and molt excellent aboue any other,Ephcf4. Andlooke as Kings difpatch Lords Embafadours into other Countries, concerning impor- tant bufineffe; fo the Lord Iefàs, now about to afcend, did fend forth his twelue Apoftles,topublifh the Charter ofthe world,euen forgiueneffeof finnes, and freeacceptance to life eternal', to all fuch as would take their pardon forth, by a lively beleefe Many werethe priuiledges of thefe Apofties. r, They were immediately, no perfon P,i"aedsa of comming betweene,delgned by Chrifi. z. Theywere infallibly au. a"Apu4te,s. filed, fo that intheir officeof teaching,whether by wordof-mouth, or writing, they could not cue. 3. Their commiffion was vniuer- fall,throughout all Nations, though the vfuall exercife thereof, was Gal.:; limited and determined by Chrift, doubtleffe for the greater edifi- cationof the Church. 4.Theycould giueby impofition of hands, the giftsof the holy Ghoft, which Simon 1Vlelf,us would haue re- deemed.. 5 . They were eye witneffesofChritt, and faw him ordina- rily, and miraculoully in the ftefh,asPaal. Tbat therefore a perfon of fuch quality, doth bring vs thefe things; muff ('cirre VS V to lecke into ',them, and entertaine them accordingly. Should the King fend his minde by the meaneft meffenger,we would receiueit dutifully; but ifmy Lord Chancellour, or form great ftatefman fhould haper- fonpublilh his plealure, we would attend itmore reverently. The Atheifine ofthefe times is much tobelamented:Our fuperifitious an- ce flors,ifthePopes Nuncioor Legate camearnongl them,bringing the Popesbleffi ag,indulgences,reliques,fuch waresas were the mock oftheworld;Oia howwere they received, how were their cömodties (ifI may fo call them)entertainedrBut our Atheifme is fuch,thatwe let thefe things lyeby;manyofvs not askingafter,norvouchfafing to readewith deuotion thefe things which the true Legates of Iefus Chrift hauebrought vntovs, and left publifhed for our fakes. Secondly. We fee hence the firmeneffe ofall thofe thingsdeli- uered in thisEpiftle; for, it was not fo much the Apoftle, as God in him,who inditedthefe things : Aswhen a lefron is founded forth uponan initrument, it is not fo much the inftrument, as his who playeth vponit: So here, I Preach not my felfe, but Chrift the Lord; an Apoffle ofChrifl, that is, an Apoftie, whoiwChrifl cloth take and owneas his Apaftle;who is irnployedabout him,z Cor4. And indeede, this phrafe dotti import his beingmade by Chrift, rather then includeit; and therefore, t 7tm.r..verft. he is faid an Apoftleof Chrift,by the commandement of Chrift ; where an A- poflle of Chrift is anApofttle pertaining to Chrifi,now poffefled of him, and imployed about him ,hauing beene aduanced to this place by the ordinationof Godand Chrift. NowPaulsfa6ì holdingout thisas his glory, that hewas Chrifis Apoftle,dothteach vs ; that we are toaccout it our greatefi dignity, vj. DoEf.3:

Reo .x. tieZ. Do11.4. Ephe(1anr, Chap. i. V$R.r.I that webelong to ChrtILWe fee inearthly fèruitors,thj50 f much the greater, by how muchtheir Lords andMatters arein grea- ter præeminencie: Henceit is thatwe fue for the cloath ofNoble per- fons,efpecially,whoaregreat fauourfteswith theKing: We fee it fo, andnot without reafon ; for it is a matter ofcountenance, ofprote&ì- on; yca,ifthey be ingoodplace about them,ofgreat chow much more glorious is this,toretain to the kingof t>ao gloryumre, that But not as a common feruitor,but inföme fpeciall place,very neere him ? Whatgreater honour had Mofer, Ahrebom, Dsvr4, then that Gods name was called on them;dbrabem the friendofGod, Mofs my fer. uant,Dsrid,ohhow tbjfenrartl seththy pout e Pfol. rr 9. Againe,our duety that we owe to thename of our God, dothre. quire,that we fhould truely confide this, and boaft ofit, asour high_ eft preferment, that he hath made vs his feruants. Let vs therefore who are Chriliam, reioyce and triumph in this, that Chrift bath taken vs into his feruice. Men that belong togreat perlons, will beare themfelues Rout on it, andcount it. the heightof their good fortunes; yet who leech not,that vnthankfulneffb creeperh into Noble breafts,or there couldnot be found a young Courtier, & an old beg- gar? What fhallbeour (inne, ifwehold not vpour heads with holy gladneffeofheart, that we areintertained by fucha Lord,who is faith. full, wltofe largefle is, Cum aboueall heart can thinke, tohis true hear- tedferuants. Againe, this muffrebuke fuch white hearted Chriflians, who are afhamed oftheir Mafter,and workehe fetteth them about; ifany pro- phase ones, be ioprefence,who Ibrinke in, & areafraid to beknown w hofc men they are : Uow farre would thefehaue beene in the times or chofe firftChriftians, fo full ofperfecution ? Should our feruants ferue vs thus, wee would pull their cloathouer their cares, and fend them packing. According toGods will.] Obferue hence, that it is thewill ofGod which cloth Algae tovsour feuerall csllings;for theApollo doth ac- knowledge in thisphrafe,twothings;F, cif, The Prouidence.Secondly The free grace ofGod. Ciuill men will let forth the wifdome and bountifulneffe oftheir bencfaftorstl;ofe that rife by the Kings fa- uour from oneplace toanother,oh how they will extoll his Prince- like clemencie: So this heauenly mindeoftheApo file, euery where is affeEtedwith the free graceofGod, who didaligne to him fuck a high callingas this was: the truth is,it is Gods prouidence,and good- neffe, which doe defigne vs toeuery calling, Galo. r. r S. Euen from his mothers wotnbe,did God let him apart, Tars, q, Before he was borne, did God decree him a Prophet; yea, the Smith that bloweth in the cosies, the Lord createth him, Efy N.4. t6.Nowife mandoth make a thzng,bur he knoweth theends to which bee will vfe it; much leffe doth the Lordmake anyofvs, but he knoweth ro what endsbee will imploy vs ; and Tooke asa wife governor in the family, fetteth one to this worke, in this place, a fecond to another, ina (finale place ; fo Both the Lord in this world,which is a peeceofhis houfhold. We mull therefore hencebe furredvp toacknowledge thegrace of God to vs,and providence ouer vs : Ifir reach to the haires ofour

V E R.L. Epheflans.Chap.r. S head,much more to fo great a benefit, as the allotting ofour cal- lings is. Yea, it mull be a ground of contestation in every Gate of life, and of retied perfeuering in fuch callings in which wee haue been trained, remembring that who fo changeth his place vnaduifedly, is like a Bird now from her neaa, who may be well weather.bearen before Thee returne : Yet when God doth orderly leade vs to more free and comfortable conditions, we are rather to vfe them.t cor.7.21. Saints at Epbefru. ] From this, that he calleth the members of this Church Saints,Obferue,that all the members ofthe vifible Church, are to be Saints.A Saint is inwardlya Saint, or by outward profef- fion : Now Saint Pawl was not ignorant, that there were bad fifh,as well asgood,Chaffe,as wellasWheate,in this vifibleChurch; neuertheleffe,be dothwell callthem Saints. Firft; Becaufe they were all by outward profeffion fo,yeá, &confprmitie, for ought we know: Secondly ; Becaufe there were many true Saints : Now the better, part, not the bigger, giueth the denomination. Wine and water is called wine ; Gold and SilverOare vnfined, is calledgold and fluff, though yet much droffe be intermedled with it. Looke how aciuill vertuous man doth not like to haue in his houle vnciuil rake Thames, fo themoil holy God willnot Allow any in his family, openly vn- holy.Like matter, like man, at lealI in outward conformity ; and looke as noman can thinke well tohave Swine in hishoule, or Dogs and Swine come to bourdwith the teaofhis family; So here, open finners,who after their names giuen to Chrift,returne to their vomit, they haue no allowance fromGod to be in hishoufehold : Whenwe fee it otherwife, it is through fnfull neglect ofdue cenfures, & fuch ashaue the power of them fhall anfwere it. But here the Bromnifs mua beanfwered,who reafon thus ; Emery true vifible Churchflandeth ofvifible Saints ;Oar Cbarches Hand net ofvifibleSaints; Ergo,Tbey are rot true, andby coafequent to befeparatedfrert.. The propoftitm batha doublefeofe : Firft, euery true Church hash in it forne vifible Saints,thus it is true; but then the frcond part of the reafon is falfe; ours haue in them no vifible Saints.The fecund fente is,euery truevi- fible Church ifandeth,or bath in it onely vifible Saints,itandeth, in- tirely of thefe,noothers anyway intermingled : Now ifone vnder- f'land this de iare,viz:ofwhatkind ofperlons tkeChurch shouldTtand, it istrue; but if it be vnderllood of that which through iniquity of formetnen,falleth out in the Church,then it isfalfe;For,the Churchof Corinthwas a truevifible Church, while the incelluous perlon re- mainedvncafl forth,thoughhe wasofright tohauebeene excommu- nicate; And how abfurd is it thatone finner,by the negligenceof form vncatl forth,Thould degrade athoufand from the dignityofa Church? This doctrine then,that themembersoftheChurch are tobe Saints, dothlet vs fee thefeareful eaate ofmany amongft vs Who like asthey telofHalifax Nuts,whichare allfhels,no kernels;fo thereprofefle thë- felues Saints,but their ignorance, their idle courfes, their riots, their blafphemies,proclaimethatthere isnothing withinwhich belongeth to a Saint. Nay, manywill not flicke to profeffe theyare noneofthe holybrother-hood, toicaat fuch indeauour to holineffe; faying, B

6 Daí2.6. Ephe(1ans, Chap. I. thatyoung Saint$,proutolddiuelr:It is a wonder that fuckhelhth ow set dare flye in the funthine of fo Chriflian a profeflion as is made a- mongft vs. This letteth vs fce what we mutt endeauour to euen that we pro- feffe. Wehate in ciuill matters, that any fhould take vpon him that he isnot teen in, we count it a groffe kinde of counterfeiting : Let vs take heedc of takingon vs to be members of Gods Church, and Saints, when wchaue no care to know God, and get our hearts cleanfed from allfilthy finfull corruptions that raigne in them:The rather let vs doe ir, for our pride,couetoufneffe, ìniuftice, drunken fenfualities,they are double iniquities, and make vs more abhomina- ble then Turkes, and heathens. Whether is it more odious for a finglo Maide,or married Wife, to live in vncleanneffe ?it is naught inboth, but moft lewd in the latter; the doth not onely defile her body, but violate her faith which the hath given to man and that ie fight of God: Thus forvs who profeffe our felues Saints,marri- ed to ffod;for vs to line in the luftsofour owne hearts, dothe:t, ceedeall Turkifh andheathenifh impiety; They are loofeand free (as I may fo fay) they haue not entred any couenant with the true God, in Chrift. We fee the vanitie of many, who thinke they are not tycd fo aridly as others, becaufe they make not fo forward profeffion: Warne themof anoath, ofwantondiffoluteneffe, they flip the collar with this, that they arenot ofthe precife brother-hood ; yea, they allow themfelues in that, for sehich they will be on the topofano- ther, becaufe theyprofeffe no fuch matter,as the other doth ; butthis is their groffe ignorance; Ask them whether they will be members of the Church ; theyanfwer, yea, Ifthou wilt be a member ofGods Church,thouprofeffeftthy felfe a Saint, and what profeflion I pray thee canbe more glorious ? 1nEpbefos.] This was a mother Citie, famous for Idolatry and Coniuring,as the 4flsof:be Apo/lles tali fie ; fo giuen to all riot, that it banished Yermodor, in no other confideration, but that bee was anhoneft lober man. This people werefo wicked, that heathens themfelues did deeme themfrom their mouth,worthytobe firangled; yet here God had his Church. Obferue then, thatin molt wicked places, God gathereth and. maintaineth his people: Thus when the world was fo wicked, that thepatience of God would Beare no longer ; the Lord hada Nob in it ; thus he had aMe/chi/deck in Canaan, a Lot in Sodome, a 106 in Vz, a Church in Pergamus, where the Deuill had his throne: where God hathhis Church,wee fay, the Deuill bath his Chap- pell : foon the contrary, wherethe Deuill hath hisCathedrajl, there God bathhis people. Lookeas innature,wefee apleafantrofeirow from amid¢ the thornes,anda molt beautiful! Lilie fpring'out of fumy waterith places. Looke as God in the darkncffe of the night makethbeautiful lights arife; fu here in thedarkeft places he will haue fome men who fltallthine as lights,in the midft of a peruerfe generation. This God doth firftin regard of himfelfe, that he may difplay his mighty power and .wifedome fo much more ciearely : Thus

V E R.I. 1phefan.f. Chap.I. Thus in the creation tobring the creature out ofnothing, lights out of darkneffe, did difplay the riches of his almighty power, good- nes,and wifdome.In regardof the Saints, that theymay more clear- ly difcerne his greatgrace to then), whobath fofeparated & altered them fromfuck, withwhom they formerly conuerfed, In regardof the wicked, that by the example of thefe,theworld maybe condem- ned in their vnbeleefe and vnrightcoufneffe, and all other darkneffe, which they choferather then light; as Woe is fàicf to haue condem- ned the old world,whitche budded theArkc,of the impenitency and careleffe vnbeleefe, which they lay, without refpe:`t to Gods threatning.Hebr.1r.7. Thevfe is, firft, that we fhould not be difcouraged if we line a- mongft fafiousperlons, in wicked townes, lewd families; Being made by Godsgrace new creatures, we muff rather wonder at his power,wifedome,grace veto vs; andno doubt but that he whohath kept his in the wickedeft places;will keepe vs alto. Secondly, wee mutt thinkofourhappineffe, if we did vfeit, aboue thefe, they did dwell pell-mell, heathen and Chriflian vnderone mac, whereas we liue with nonebut fuch,forthe moil parr, as profefl'e the Chriflian name,Ergo,in many regards our condition is farce caller. Now he commeth to explaine whom he meaneth by Saints, de- fcribing them from their Faith inChrift : To thefaithfiollis chriji ;3 For, tholewords arcadded, firft,to point at the roofeof fanâtificati- on, which is Beliefe ; Secondly, to diflinguifh Gods Church from the Synagogues of the Icwcs,whoprofelfed faith towards God, but not in Chrift Iefus;and he doth fitly note out the Saints by their faith in Chrifi Iefus; for, whofocueris faithfull is a Saint, and who- foeuer isa Saint, isfaithfull; though to be a Saint,and to be faithful, are not properly and formally both one. Obferue then that he calleth thole Saintswhom harehe defcribetb to be faithfull ones inChrift, that is,faithfull ones, who are through faith vnitedwith Chrift, fothat he dwelleth in them,and they in him : for (i's) Chrift, notethrather the eff'ct oftheir faith, then the obied. Obferue then who are thetrue Saints, viz. all who by faith are in Chriftlefus. Saints, anel faithfull enes, arecariedas indiffe- rent with theApoftle,ca,l. r.a. and clfewhere. For though the formal effect offaith be not to fanétifie, whencewe are denominated Saints; but to iuftifie, whence we are called righteous, through forgiuenefle of finneand adoption voto life, yet faith effectuallyproduceth our faodification; whereupon we haue the nameofSaints. Three things goe to this : r.The purifying ofthe heart : 2. The profeffion outward ofholineffe : 3. Holy conuerfation : Now Atli. 5.9. by faith our heartsare purified ; for,as a counter-poyfon comming in, thepoyfon that is weaker is expelled : and asthe Sunne tiring,rhe darkeneffe of the night is expelled and vanifheth; fo Chriff, the tunne of righteouf- nell'e,byfaith arifing in our hearts,the ignorance and lufls of igno- tance are difperfedand flie before him, Secondly, faith begetteth profeffion of holineffe; Having the fame fpirit offaith, we cannot but fpcake, faith the Apale ; and be- leeuing with the heart, and confefling with the mouth goe together. Yfer tde .rice,for. marica, Daff.j. Termieum coxobieCrum. Fides atoefor- ms/iterfed effeOiucfsm- ttificar, cbri- flu ,fiquidem 4pprebeedlt perqurmfar- maliter eufli- ficamur,fro- csmur eÿefT c.

8 E,phetiQnr, Chap.'. V E R.I. vje.3. VBRSE.2. Thirdly. holy conuerfation fprfngeth from faith; Ifyou haue lear- nedChrift as the truth is in him, you haue fo learned him as to put off the olde man, and toput on thenew.Faith worketh byloue, even as a tree hath both his leafeand fruir. And as ifa tree fhould be chan- ged from onekinde toanother, the leaues and fruit fhould likewife be changed, as if a Peare tree fhould be made an Apple tree, it would haue leaues and fruits agreeing to the changemade in it;;fo manby faith hauing his heart purified, made a tree of righteouf nefí , hee hath his leaues and fruit; leaues ofprofeffion, fruit of .action. Soagain,eman as a new tree, fet into, and growing out of Chrift, beareth a new fruit; he conuerfeth in holineffe and new_ nelfe of life.Thus you fee how thofethat arefaithfull,are alfo Saints, becaufe by faith their heartis purified, their proftffion and conuerfa- tìon are fans ified: wherefore Inch belecuers, who are mockers of Saints, who will net be accounted Saint-holy, and fuch who are not changed into new creatures,walking in newneffe oflife,theymay well feare that their beleefe isnot true, fuch as doth vnite themwith Chrift; for whofoeuer is a true bcleeuer,fs a Saint; whofoeuer is by faith in Chrift, is anew creature. We wouldbe loath to takea flip,or bedecciued with falfe commodities ina tweluepound matter: Let vs be hereno leffediligent, that we take not an vngrounded fruitlefle prefamption, for a true faith, which relleth on Gods word, made kuowne,and is effeduall tothe fandifyingofthe beleeuer. Secondly. Hencewce fee the vanity of the Papifts, in transfer- ring and appropriating this nameofSaints, to thofe whom the Pope bath put in his Kalendar, and to whom he bath adjudged Diuine honour, holidayes, inuoeation, candles,Churchcs,&c. thefe Saints were not heardofinSaint Pauls time:Aman may bein hell who hath all fuch things performed about him. Saints are Triumphant or Mili tant,Triumphant, luth whonow walkeby fight, enioyingtbe pre- tenceofGod; Angels, Spirits ofthe righteous departed, who bane now refted from all the laboursof their militant conditionMilitant, whowalke by faith in holy profrffion and conuerfation, holding Chrift theirhead, by wholepower, apprehended by faith, they are kept to faluation. This may ftrengthen vs againR temptations, from our imperfe6ti- ons, theLord doth reckon ofvs anddoth holdvs asSaints; he that by faith bath put on the Sonne ofrighreuuforfle,is morecleare and bright then if flee werearrayed with thebeanies i;f the Sun.Againe, though we haue finnes too many,yet the better part giueth the name. Corne fields we fee haue many weedes, yetwe call themCornefields, not fields of weedes : fohere,yea Grace, though it feemcth little euer that unne Ihewetb tobe, yet it will in time ouercome it; as Canoe is much higher then the Barly, yetthe Barly ge tteth vpand killeth it : The fpirit that is in vs fromChrift; is fironger then the fpirit ofthe wo! Id! Now the falutation followeth,which flandethof an ApoRolicall blelfìng,which he euer giueththeChurchcs.Init two things are to be confidered Firft, the things wifhed:Secondly,theperfons fromwhom they are defrred, God the Father,andtheSowie. Obferue

V E R.I. Ephean.f.Chap.I. 9 Obferue lirlt in Generali, that it is theduty ofa MinifferofChrit} tobletfe thefaithful! childrenof theChurch, as in the nameof God : Thisffr the fubftatiee(Mt wasnot proper to the Apoftle, no more then tobe a fpirituall Fatherwas appropriated to them, much leffe doth it belong to the Pope, asthe timesoffuperftition imagined, but toevery faithfull Miniífer,who is a fhepheard and inftrufter, and fo in theplace ofa fpirituall Father. Numb. 6. Aaron and bit fennel (hall bleffe thepeople inmyname. As God hathgiuen a power to the natural! pheats to canueigh good thingsto theirchildren; Home. thy Father Mat thy dayes maybe long,or that they mayprolong thy dayes by their bicding, deferuedly commingvpon thee; f God hath giuen fpiritu- all fathersa power ofblefïing,yea,and of anathematizing or turfing the childrenof theChurch, who fo deferue, and that effectually : So thatPant maketh good what they doe in this kind. This good Annah found, I Sam.t.17. when Thee had meekely anfwered !o bat fhand falle a fùfpition, TheGodofifraellgrant thyrepel', faith Elie,and (liceglad of the favour Thee had found in his fight, went a- way,and it was prefently granted. For more diftin& concciuing of the matter, I will briefly fhew,r.whatthisblelling is : 2. on whatit is grounded. It is a minifteriall a&,whichdothapply Gods bleffing to thewell deferuing childrenofthe Church, and entreththem into the affured poffcffion, through faith, of Gods blefling toward them : whichdothapply I laya for it differeth thusfrom a Prayer ;a Prayer feeketh to obtaine the things for vs, this doth in Gods name apply and affure our faith that the bleflingof God isvpon vs,and thall gra- tioufl followvs: When the Minifter intreateth forgiueneffeof finne, it isone thing ; when againe Ire doth affure a repentant heart that Godhath done away his finne, this is another thing : in the one lice feeketh to obtaine this benefit for the partie, in the other hee doth affure the party that it is now applied in him. The grounds are two. a. The fpirit of difcerning, I mean ordina- ry, not miraculous,which maketh them by fruits fee who are fuch members of theChurch, whom Goddothprornife to bleffe : The fécond is the authority which God bath put vpon them, who will hauethem to be his mouth and inftrument, whereby hewill both af- certaine his children of theirbleffedneffe fromhim, as likewifeexe- cute it in them. Nowfrom thefe two, that I difcerne a childeof the Church, towhombiding pertaineth,and knewmy felfe to bee his mouth to liignifie it,and inftrumentwithwhom beewill concurre to produce ir, fromthefe two it is ,that thisaft ofbleffrngfpringeth, be it a bkflirg in general! giuen,or fingularlyapplyed. Andhence you may fee adifference betwixt our biding, and the Patriarkes prophe- tical! blefti +'s ; for their blelfings were grounded vpon a Reuelati- on, in them made, of things which fhouldbefall their pofterity. The Vie ofthis is to rebuke the fooli(h cuflome ofrunning forth before the Minifters ofGod hauegiuenrheir bltfling : What amif- creant wouldhe beheld, that would not fuffer his Father to bleffe him, fo farre were he fromPeekingit at his hand ? It were not allowa- ble behaviour, if the Church were about to curie them, andmake them asutter execrations. De£t.I. oak; Pub1i@ Primate Primate likes Widf prpraier.