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VA Dotl.q. Sphejans,Chap.l, V ER,17,' So thefpirit hashboth love, which warmerh our frozen heartsand afte. Clions,andalto this light ofrevelation, which delighteth the eye ofthe underftanding, and manifefieth to the viewof it, things that arehea- venly. Wherefore let us feeke to God for this comfortable effect of his fpirit : Even as he can lay his hand on this bodily light by a cloud, in- tercepting the Ihining ofit; fo can hee with -draw this illumination of his fpirit, and caufe us to grope as it were in darkneffe, though theeye of our mindes were neither Phut up, nor otherwife troubled. Doewe not fometimes fee things comfortable, and on a fudden feeke them eclipfed, when no finne hath inwardly altered the (late of our foules, this heavenly illumination now fpreading it felfe through the word of promifewee fet beforeus, now prefently withdrawne or much obfcu- red! It is a wonder how weake men of underftanding and godly, wifedome, fhould fee clearely and joyfully the thingsof their peace; yea, thewill ofGod, inwhich they are towalke; and men for Confci- ence cquall to them, for underftandingand godly wifedome farre be- fore,fhould walkeonly inabled withmuch acoe to carry on theircourfe in faith and obedience ; I cannotfinde any reafon for it, but in this out- ward revelation, which fhineth farre more brightly to the one then the other. Now bymoone light a weake eye will reade or write better then the fharpeft fight can by twi-light, when now day firft breaketh. Obferve fourthly,who iris that worketh in us all true wifedome,even Godby the fpirit ofChrift : I toldyou it is therefore called the fpirit of wifedome, becaufe the fpirit from the Father and the Sonne doth worke it in us : It is not pregnancie ofnatural' wit, can make us wife to falvation, nor ripeneffe of yeares, not manywife ; and grace wee feeis notcommon togray hayres ; it is a fpirit, and the infpirationofthe Almighty, that givethunderflanding, rob 32.8. Nevertheleffe, wee doe attaine ripenefte of wifedome by meanes, even as we fee in natural! men, they cometo a more full meafure ofcivili wifdome, not without meanes makingway to it : How doth a foolifh youth grow a wife man Firft, one day teacheth another; heeas his dayes increcìf ,gettethknow- ledge ofmany things ; Secondly, lace tafteth, as we fay, many waters; and findeth by experience the good in fomethings, the evill in other - fòme; Thirdly, heegroweth by fome meanes weaned from his youth. full tufts, which like aback.bias did draw after themfelves the un- derftanding: thus when his knowledge is increafed, when bee bath gathered experience and fowed hiswilde oates, aswe fay, he groweth awife Raid perfon : In the fame manner, when God bath brought us on to know, to prove things by our owne experience, and to bewea- nedfrom the lulls offinne, which are the true follybound in our hearts, then he caufeth wifedomein'farre greater meafure to enter into us. Wee feethen to whomwe mull give all thankes for what wifedome foever wehave received, and to whom we mull flye for the increafing of it, even to God, whogiveth it plentifully and upbraideth us not. See what is written verfe S. Now