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16q. Dof7.i. I. 2. 3. 4. Ephefaans,Chap.r. VER.18. tance, defcribed from the glory, yea, the riches or abundanceof glo- ry adjoyned unto it,and from theperfons who are the fubicót ofit,the Saints. The fummeof the verfe.When I aske for youa fpirit ofwifdome and revelation, my meaning is, I aske at God that he would give you the eyes of your underftanding inlightned, that ye maybe able toknow . thofe good things which you have in hope, having been called ofGod to the obtaining of them, through the miniferyof the Gofpell ; even to know what is the abundant gloryof that his inheritance, whichhe will of grace diftribute among{ the Saints : for the particle we reade (in)the Saints, dothliignifieinoramong(i, and is foread,s.4th 26.x8. Obferve then Eft, that thofe wholefpirituall fight is reftored, have needRill ro depend on God, that their eyes may be more and more in- lightned byhim : Thefe werenow light in theLord,had theireyes ope- ned, yet thus he prayeth for them : As it is with bodily fickneffes,when we recover out ofthem, healthcorn meth not allat once,but byounces, as we fay; fo in fpirituall: When Goddoth now raife us up fromour death,we neither arefully fandified, nor yet fully inlightned ; It is with us aswith the blinde man,Marke 8.2 4.we fee,but confufedly and indi- fin tly.Now this inlightningcomprehendeth thefe foute things,which we havéfill need to leekto God for. Firft, the removall of thofe things which put impediment to our fight ; a feeing eye may have miffsdazeling ir,humours falling and di- (tilling into it, yea, force filmeor skinne growing over it: So an eye of the foule,which now feeth,may have mittsofignorance,clouds of lulls, veyles ofhardneffe of heart, all hindring this facultyof feeing, in the ai tionofit : We mutt therefore look to God forthe eye-falve, and the help ofhis hand in thefe regards. Secondly ; We have neede that the inward light ofknowledge be augmented inus. The inward light of thebodily eye, is not fogreat in an infant, as it is now in a man growne ; fo it is, that the inward light ofthe mind,by an addition ofwifdomeand knowledge, taketh in- creafe. The third thing we have fill need of, is that God fhould thine unto us with a light! of revelation in his word: for as the bodily eye can- not be inlightned to fee, till it hath outward light afforded; foit is with the foule,and the eye thereof.But ofthis before is fpoken. The fourth thing, is a diredìion and application of the eyeofour mind, to behold things that are fpirituall.. Ifthe naturali man and all his faculties move in God, much more the fpirituall. Prov.2o. r2. God is faid tomake the eye feeing, andthe care hearing, that is, not onely to create them, butgovernand apply them to that they doe ; otherwifewe might be like toHagar, not feeing that which was beforeour eyes. E ven as it is not theeye fo much that feeth, as the foule in and by the eye, whence it is,thar ifthe mind be abttratted in fomeferious thought, men fee notthat which is before them;So it is not fomuch the eye ofour un- derfanding,