Baynes - BS2695 B289 1643

quo \ Hphefians, Chap. q.. V It R.32.. this is the rather tobe marked, becaufe it dothanfwer all objeElions whichmake us hang back in this duty. obje(t. r. How fhould I beare it athis hand?ofallother he had lean caufe. Anfw. Not fo littleas we have to fin againft our God,yet Godfor givcth us. objea.a. I would it were onceortwice, but he hath often. anfro. To77. times forgive as God doth, he hachforgiven us many times. objeCf.3. Iknow hisnature, I fhould have moreofhis worke, he would doe me the like turne again. Anfiv. God faw that we would often fin againfthim,yet heforgave us, we mutt forgiveas hehath forgiven us : It is a bafe woman-like cowardife not to Randour ground , but flirre inbeing abufed. God holds it no difparagement to hismajefly to condefcend thus farreaato forgive us. Weemay finde a bufhto ftop every gappe at whichsutr corruption breakethout.