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46 ThePapilla make lifefrom graceremote, queadradiceo, notpreximi & immediate. Doíï. Epheflans,Chap. r. VE R. S', Fourthly, the life towhich weare predeftinated , is here included in this word Adoption ; iriscalled agift, an inheritance ; it is herePaid to be attained through Chrift, Rom. s. v. vlt. Asfinne reigneth to death, fo doth the righteoufneffe of Chrift to life; But grace by Chri(ts righteoufneffe reigneth unto life , the immediate caufe ergo of life, is Godsgrace; for the immediate caufe ofdeath is finne ; and God is faid to havemade Chrift every thing tous, that our whole rejoycing night bein God, !hewingus grace through him : not that we might b,able to rejoyce in ourfelves,as now re-inabled to deferve fromjuftice through him:this then is to be heldas a principle ofgreat moment, that the lifeto which weare chofen and predeftinated, is a life immediately flowingfrom the graceofGod : For this doth !hew that the juflifying righteoufneffe which God doth prepare for us, muff be fuch that God may upon it reckon us juf fromhis meere grace, to the receivingoflife fromhis grace. But here isno place toenter the dodtrineof juftification and merit,the whichwe (hall have fit occafion tounfold hereafter. Now followeth the manner, [withinhimfelfe; ] that is,according to the good pleafureofhis will : The firlt phrafe I rather reade thus, be- caufe in that we are Paid tobe ordained to adoption through Chrift, it doth intimatethat we are ordained tobe children to him, and becaufe hewould rather have Paid, Who hathprede inated«Fs tobe Sonnes through 6hrift, to himfelfe, thento adoption through cbrig tohimfelfe: but it skil- leth not how wetake it, feeing the latter words doth fufficientlyground the inftruCtion to be gathered. Obferve, that God out ofhis meeregoodwill doth determine both theend,andall the meanes by*hickhe will bring us to the endflf God doechoofe and predeftinate us to life, becaufe that he doth forefee that we will fo ufe his grace as to perfevere in beliefe by meanes of it, then mutt he call us rather then others, becaufe he doth forefee that we will ufe his grace offered well, and concur with it in manner forena- med. For fo farce as forefeene confiderations move me to take any to the end of life, fo farre they move to intend and execute the meanes whichmuff bring to life. Butthe Papilfs themfelves in this are found,, who hold, that therefore God doth freely ordaine usto the end, and that he doth therefore freely call' and juftifieus; hitherto they grant grace, even in theexecution ofGods predeftination,and it may be pro- ved by Scriptures : For in calling, two things may bemarked. r. The fending his word. 2. The working with it by his fpirit : now he doth both thefe out of his free pleafure For the word he cloth fend it to thofe whom he doth fee will leffe profit by it then others; ifthe things doneinthee, hadhem done inTyrus and Sidon, they wouldat leaf?have humbled themfelves in Ninive- like repentance; and EZ,ech.3. 1. findthee notto apeople ofaftrange tongue, they wouldheart thee, but theft will heartthee, Now hereacheth inwardly no leffe freely.Luke I 0.2. Father,t confefe thou revealefichefe things to babes,& hidefl themflowwife ener, even according to thygoodpleafure. Therefore Paul faith,2 Tim.z.9. Hebath cagedwwith á:holy calling,according tokinparpofeandgrace:Now if