Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

T he Covenant of Wor1Z.r Chap.9. ing, a work of power in him that draws, weakneffe in him that is drawn. Jahn 6.44. No man can come unto me, except the Father Ì iß 1'ath Fret me draw him. And therefore the Spoufe prayeth, DraW n^ e ,4d We will run after thee, Cant. i. q.. There mutt be fr .e more power in God for converfion then in Satan for the fouls r:_inc. Grace mutt have fome advantage of temptation ; b.;t Sa -III can allure, perfwade ; our firft Parents had woful expe- rience of his faculty this way, he hath his moral perfwafions. If God rn:xke ufe of nothing more they are even ; yea Satan hath the advantage by fo much as we are more apt for finne then obe- dience. And as thefe metaphorical expreflions hold it forth, fo in Main termes it is expreft in Scripture. The Apoftle prayes for the Ephefiansp that the eyes of their underfianding being enlightened,they may know what is the exceeding greatnef fe of Gods polder to thole that heleeve,according to the Working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he railed high from the dead, Ephef. t. 19. And by way of fmiie makes Application, ch. 2. very Even When we were dead in fins, bath he quic,,ned al together with Chrift and bath railed its up together, ana made us fit together in heavenly places in Chrifi ?efus, Ephef. z. 5. Left any fhould fay the former Me -, taphors are ftretched above their line, when they are brought in to hold forth that for which they have been produced ; the Apo - f}le here makes application, and fhews that the like mighty pow- er, which was exercifed of God in railing Chrift dead in the grave, and fetting him up above all principalities and powers, is exercifed in railing thofe who are dead in fin, to fit in heavenly places with Chrift. The Apoftie entring a fimilitude, chap. i. tg. makes not an end of it till chap. 2.71. 8. Only having named the exaltation -of Chrift upon his Refurrection , does not leave till he have (hewed how high he is exalted and having named mans low ebbe in fin, does not leave till he hath let out how low;which drawes out the fimilitude to filch length in which this truth is let forth unto us ; which comparifon with the application, leaves the neceffity ofan Omnipotent concurrence in this work without exception. Thirdly, this further appeares in that inability which is in man, to accept that which God of grace doth tender, unleffe God cure the faculties l3ÿ' his power. r. He is wanting in power to under.. Eland , or to difcerne the glory of that grace which is offered : The