Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Ch ap.G. and the C. versant of Grace. 65 mifes, ¡will circumcise your heart, and the heart of your f ed ; all of their feed that are circumcifed in heart , he circumcifes ; fb in all the other, none of all trefe are done without his fpecial work. This was little heeded by the generality of the people of the Jews; if they minded duty, it was well : they little thought of affiftance through grace , tugging it out by their own ftrength looking for no more from heaven then that which trey had in hand ; and therefore entring Covenant, and walking in their own ftrength; they brake Covenant, and were never able to rife to the duties of it, as is hinted in that of Jeremy. Therefore God promifes a new Covenant , in which there íhall be a full difcovery,and right underfianding of the meaning of the Covenant : 1 will write, my La* in thèirhearts , I Will put it into their inward pa -ts. So that as the commandment oflove was a new commandment ; fo this Covenant was a new Covenant both given of old, ( there was no late in that of Mofes ; 1 will circumcife thy heart,) but both a new cleared for a right underfianding. There was nothing Wrong (faith Mr. `Dixon) in the farmer Co- venant, but it was imper feel, and all things in it were not expre fed clearly. Annot. on lieb. 8, 7, So that there was no fuch caufe for Mr. Owen to iitep out of his way, pag. 22. to blame Mr. Baxter for Paying that this place Both comprife but part of the Covenant, not the whole : And his reafon for convic`fion with me is little convincing ; God laying expreffely, this is my Covenant ; to fay it is not (faith Mr. Owen) is not to interpret the word,but to de- ny it ; God fayes to the people of tfrael 1s not this the fan that I have chafen, to lofe the bands of wickedne ffe, to undo every burden?' If Mr. Olden fhould interpret that Text, would he fay the whole of a- Religious Fait is there exprefl , and a full definition of a "Fait Í laid down ? or would he inftead of interpreting deny that Scri- pture? So all() that of James, Jam. i. 26. Pure religion and un- defiled before God the Father , is this; To vifite the fatherlele and the widoW , and to keep aman =flatted of the world. Will he fav, there is the whole of Religion fet out in Scripture, or will he be put to it to deny the Scripture? I fuppofe he would rather fay that, that which thofe Jews (to whom fay (peaks) did in a Religious F.alt,with fupply of that which 'fay calls for (in which they were defef}ive) makes up a Religious Faficompleat. Shat which the fcattered Tribes did in Religion with what James further calls for,