Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

74 The Covenant of Work., Chap, i 2 The conditi- ons in the Co venant of works were for mans pre - fervation in prefenthappi- nefie.. The conditi- ons in the Co- venant ofgrace are for mans reparation. againftit ; Vain man would fain he fomewhat, as wife, Job II. 12. fo all; righteous. This takes all from him, ftrippes him of all in which he may glory , as Romans 3.37. This which man fo oppofeth , the Covenant of Grace eftablifh- eth ; and that which he fo advanceth, the Covenant of Grace difclaimes. 3. The conditions on mans part in the Covenant of Works were for mans prefervation in flatu quo; in that condition in which he Was created , to hold him in communion with God, which was his happineffe; he expected not to be bettered by his obedience, either refpeftive to happinefre (no more is promifed then in prefent he had,) nor yet in his qualifications refpeetive to his conformity to God in righteoufneffe and true holineffe. What improvement he might have made of the habit infufed by the exercife of obedience ; I (hall not determine , but no change in qualifications was looked after or given in pro - mile. The conditions of the Covenant of Grace are ferviceable to man in his retnrne to Gad, for his recovery as to his flare of happine fe loft; fe to the repaire or ;eW frame of his gnalifications depraved and fjioiled. This is plain of it felf, and will be further ex- plained in that which followes, other differences there are al- figned by Divines to difference thefe two Covenants; fome of which fall in with thefe that I have mentioned, and fome to which I cannot in all things. abfent. See camero de triplici fwdere. Thef. 9. T hefe I thought to be molt material and with thefe I (hall reit fatisfied. CHAP. XII. Faith is a Condition of the Covenant of Grace. Hofe Divines that with concurrent judgements acknow- ledge Conditions in the Covenant of Grace, are not yet fo unanimous in their affignation of them; forne would have more, forne fewer. But the offices for which they ferve, will be of u-fe for difcovery of them. The Condition immediately fervice- able for mans return to God reconciled in Chrift, is Faith, which airoff