Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

88 The Covenant of Works Anfzr. Chap.13 is no barre hindering one from having Chrifl, and the pofition which the deflinc`tion is brought to affert , is no better; If un- belief be no barre to our receiving of Chrifl, then it is no barre to falvation; where the Saviour enters, he brings falvation , He that bath the Sonne bath life, t John 5 , t2. But we finde it evi- dently a barre to falvation, according to Scripture, _John 3. 36. He that beleeveth not the Sonne, f all not fee life, but the wrath of clod abideth on him> He that beleeveth not fball be damned, Mark 16. 16. Yea, according to the Author in his 6. Sett. There is no perfon under heaven fhall be faved till he have beleeved ; which is a truth according to Scripture. They could nót enter into the ref.. of Canaan that did lie in their unbelief, neither can they en- ter into the reft of heaven, Heb. 4. x. Then thrill dwells not in our hearts by Faith, Ephef, 3.17. But alfo in a flate of unbelief; Then God is not a- juftifier of thole that beleeve in f efm,as Rom. 3.26. but equally juftifies men without Faith in jefus ; Then Chrift is not fet out a propitiation through Faith in his blond,but without any Faith in it. Then they that beleeve are not juftifi- ed from all things from Which they could not be jufitified by the Low of Mofes, but they that beleeve not. And God gave his that he that beleeves not on him fiould have everla/ling'' life. This dot`trine laies all the honour of Faith in the duff ; Then Habakkuk might have flared this fpeech, that the pill 'hall°` 'live by Faith, Hab. 2 4. and Paul might have found another way of life in the 8efh then by Faith in the Sonne of God. Secondly, It is faid that the juftification of a finner was with God from eternity; before all time it was in his purpofe to dif- charge his Elect, and to lay nothing to their charge; fo then this is as election it fell unconditional. To which, I anfwer, That this overthrows the redemption wrought by Chrift, the price paid by his fufferings, as well as the neceffity of Faith; what need Chrift to be at all that paines, to undergo all thofe furrows; as to be a man of furrows, to do that which from all eternity was done ? then,as. Paul (ayes in another cafe, is dead invain.: This Tome have feene, yet rather then leave their opinion, have chofen to fwallow down the ab- furdity with it, and do maintaine that Chrift did not purchafe. procure, or work any love from God for man, but only publifhed and declared that he was from eternity beloved ; A fit conclufî- on