Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

The Covenant of Works Chap. t 3,,( Chrifi is firengthened for it; The word works cfeElually in thole, that beleeve, as i `ifef. 2.13. We fee-the great works that were atchieved by thofe of ancient time, both in doing and fuffering, Heb. I I . and all of thofe are afcribed to Faith, what t hi: ift can do, as in reference to duty, that they can do to acceptation ; d hey can do all thins through Chrifi that flrengthens them, Phil, 4. x 3. Chrift overcomes the World, John 16.33. e 1ncl this is their vit11ory whereby they overcome the world. I John 5 4. Chrifl treads down Satan. Rom. 11. 20. e1nd they refifi him firong in the Faith. r Pet. 5, 9. A man of Faith is for univerfal obedience ; He is a man for dependance on God for the fruition of all promifes. A word from God is enough For Faith. He knows how to refs up- on him for the good things of the earth, he is above anxious thoughts, What he fhould eate, what he fhould drink, or Where- with he fhould be clothed, knowing that godline ffe bath the promife of this life, I Tim. 4. 8. and therefore though the fig-tree ¡hall not blo ff ome, neither (hall fruit be in the Vines, the labour of the Olive ¡ball pile, and the fields 'hall yeeld no 'mate ,the flock¡hall be cut of from the fold, and there ¡hall be no herd in the flails, yet he will rejoyce in the Lord, he will joy in the God of his falvation, Hab. 3. 1 7, t;?. He knows how to reff upon him for fpiritual priviledges, for adoption of Eons, for everlafting falvation, he refis upon this,that he that liveth and beleeveth an Chrifl (hall not die for ever., He knows how to manage all flares and conditions, he knows how to be fall, and ho:r to be hungry ; he can bear pro - fperity, and not be puffed up; he can be under adverfity,and not be call down; in the worfi of times the jufi lives by faith, Hab. 2.4. He can make ue of every Ordinance for his fpiritual advan- tage.The word preacht is for his benefit,beingrnixt with faith when he receives it, Heb. 4.2. Pe knows how to improve the Sacra- ments for his fpiritual growth, thofe realer of the righteoufneffe of Faith, Rom. 4.11. Abel by Faith exceeded Cain in facrifices, Heb. 1 4 and fo do they all unbeleevers in their performances; All of thefe might be farther and mo,e fully enlarged, but that it is done at la, ge by better hands; Malter ward in his Life of Faith, Mater CulverWell, efpecially Matter Ball in his elaborate Treatife on that fubje &, CHAP.