Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. i . and the Covenant f Grace. 97 ofSatan. The pofitive part,which we are to endeavour is that which !}ands in full oppofition ; forfaking of.fin, we mutt follow afterrighteoufneffe, and turning fromSatan , we muff turne to God ; and therefore the Miniftery which fndes men out of Co- venant , and works them into it, is to bring them from darkneffe to light from the power of Satan to God, Ads 26. 18. The privative part is frequently enjoyned, as that which bindes at all times, and to all times. A man in Covenant with Gód, is to have no more to do with fin ; Ceafe to do evil , put away the evil ofyour doings from before mine eyes , Ifa. t. i 6. Be ye feparate touch no unclean thing, 2 Cor. 6.17. Mortifie therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanne f e , inordinate affeliion, evil conctspiffence, and covetoufne(fe Which is idolatry ; for which things fake, the wrath of God cometh on the children of di obe- dience. In the which ye allo walked fometimes when ye lived in them. But nowyou al /o put of all the fe, anger, Wrath, malice, blaf- phemmy, filthy communication out ofyour mouth lie not one to another, feeing ye have put of old man With his deeds , Col. 3.5, 6, 7, 8, ( 9. Old things with Chrif}ians are to be done away ; This is the duty of all thofe that pretend to Chriff; Let every one that ;tarn- ! eth the name of (brill depart from iniquity, 2 Tim. 2. 19. All that is in Chrift, is wholly againftit, his' Prophetick office leads us from it, and gives light to avoid it ; in his Kingly office, his Law is aganft it; and his Prieftly office was to redeem from it. They that are in Chrift, and learn him as the truth is in Chrift Jefus, they attain to it ephef. 4. 22. That ye put off concerning the former converfation, the old man, i'hich z corrupt according to the deceitful lus`ls. It is the character of a man in Chrift, Gal. - 5, 24. They that are Chri fis have crucified the fleJh With the of - fetions anr3 lu/is. And this upon peril' of bearing their fin Ezeky 18.3o, 3 i. Repent and turne your (elvesfrom all your tranfgrefons, fo iniquity Jhall not be your ruine : CO array from you all your tranf gre /ons, whereby you have tranfgre ffed and make you a new heart and a new .ffiirit ; for why will ye die, O houfe of I frael ? No man in fin is for glory, 1 Cor. 6.9. Know ye not that the unrighteous fhall not inherit the( ingdom ofGod ?The works of thefe/h are manife fi, which are the fe ,adultery,fornication,uncleanne f fe,lafcivioufne ff e, ido. latry,,witch.craft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, firife, (e- ditions, berefles, envying: , murders drunkennc fr'e, revellings and O fuch The of entials in repentance are r Privative. Cellation from fin..