Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

zoo The Covenant of Work! Chap. r 4.1 long- fuffering, gentlenefe, goodnefe, faith, meet neffe, temperance, Gal. 5. 21, 22. Upon thofe termes falvation , the mercy of the Covenant is obtained, Chrift is the Authour of ever14ting falva- tion to them that obey him, Heb. 5. 9. When the Apoffle makes light of outward priviledges, he puts the whole ftrefhe upon mans faith and obedience, Gal. 5.6. For in Chrift Jefus neither cir- cumcifion availeth any thing nor uncircumcifzon bast faith which warketh by love. Circumcifion is nothing, and uncircumci/ion is no -: thing, but the keeping of the Commandments oï God, i Cor. 7.t9, That which is fo mightily available with God in Covenant, is the walking up to the.termes and obfervance of the conditions of the Covenant; But Faith and keeping the commandments of-God , are (as we fee) thus available and prevalent. Thefe two are diflinguifhed, but never fevered. That faith which looks at Chrifis blood as a Saviour, accepts him as a Sovereigne. And the later about which there is moft difpute is an e- vidence to conclude the former; Hereby We know that We know him, if we keep his commandments : where knowledge is put for faith , as appeares in the context, i john 2. 3. Thefe are heard of God in prayer, Yoh. 9. 3 2. 1 f any man be a Worfhipper of God and doth his Will, him he hear - eth, whatfoever We aske, we receive of him becaufe we keep his Commandment , and do thole things that are pleafing in hie ft ht, z John 3. 22. Thefe are fealed of God by his Spirit, r ohn 3.24. And he that keepeth his commandments divelleth in him , and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which be hath given M. Thefe great mercies are for men in Covenant, that keep Covenant : But the mercy of the Lord is from everlatting to everlaffing upon them that fear him , and his righteoufne fe unto childrens children. To fuck as keep his Covenant, and to chafe that remember his commandments to do them, Pfalme 103. 17, tl. CHAP.