Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

104 The Cove,nant of Works Chap, r5, all commands requiring obedience are then needlelï'e; and all exhortations reproofs , motives and promifes to no pur- pole. None either commands or perfwades the Heavens to move , the Sunne to give light, the Fire to give heat,' or the Water to give moifture ; that which neceffarily works, is let alone to work and to take its courre in working. And this objection ( taking away this Gofpel condition on this ground) is of the fame ftampe; obedience neceffarily flowing from Faith includes Gofpel- commands , exhortati- ons, reproofes as well as Gofpel - conditions. If God need nòt to condition , and engage for obedience from Beleevers, becaufe they thus neceffarily obey ; then he needs not give , commands , or preffe obedience for the fame reafon : When yet the Gofpel is full of exhortations , commands menaces, promifes with application to Beleevers , to men profefling Faith , to men in Chrift by Faith. For fatisfacfion then of this Popifh-Arminian objeaion,we muff, diftinguifh of confequents which neceffarily flow from their principles. Some are naturali which Of themfelves have their effeds as thofe in the objection mentioned ; here is neither command impofed, condition required, nor promife held forth : T hey are not in any capacity of at`ting or working o- therwife then they do. Others are morali , who work not by may of Phyfical necety , but are kept in their way by the power ofgrace upholding ; which does not exclude, but neceffa- rily take inmans endeavour , in the ufe of meanes, to yield obe- dience and to hold on, in all patience and perfeverance. This argument followed home will be of equal force againft Faith (as a condition) as againft fincerity ; feeing Gods Elect (hall be- leeve, as they that beleeve fhall yield obedience. There is a like necefïity of faith flowing from Ele&ion, as there is of obedience to flow from Faith ; as Faith therefore fo obedience, either of both in their places are Covenant - conditions. CHAP.