Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

io 8 7he Covenant of Works Chap.i Authors fake, or thofe that have appeared as Patrons of it , then I fhould embrace this ; The reverence deferved1-y due to him that (I fuppofe) firft manifeíted himfelf in it bath caufed it to finde great entertainment, but upon more then twenty yeers thoughts about it ; I finde it labouring under manifold inconveniences. r. It eftalifhes the former opinion oppofed by Proreftants,and but nowrefuted, -as to the obedience and the degree of it called for in Covenant; and if. I ( hould be indulgent to my affections, to caufe my judgement to itoop, diake of the one would make me as averfe from it as an opinion of the other would make me prone to receive it. Judgement therefore muff lead, and affe6ti- ons be waved. 2. If this opinion (tand , then God accepts of Covenant - breakers, of thofe that deale falfely in it, whereas Scripture charges it upon the wicked, thofe of whom God complaines as rebellious, Deut, 29 21. loth. 7.15. Jeremy 11.10. Jeremy 22.$,9. Yea, it may be charged on the beft,the moft holy in the world ly- ing under the guilt ofit. 3. Then it will follow, thatas none can fay that they have fo anfwered the Commands of the Law that they have neverfailed, they have not (if put to anfwer in the greateft rigour) once tranf- greffed, fo neither can they with the Church make appeal to God, ?"hat they have not dealt falfely in the Covenant, nor wickedly de- parted from their God, Pfal.44.17. Every fin according to this opinion, being a breach of it, and a dealing falfely in it. 4. Then that great promife of mercy f r'osn ever/offing to ever - lafting, upon them that feare him, and his rig hteoufne ffe, unto chil- drens children, to fetch as keep his Covenant,and to thofe that remem- ber kis Commandments to do them, Pfal. /03.17, 18. only apper- tains to thofe that fo keep the Law that they fin not at all a- gainft it. 5. Then-our Baptifme-vow is never to fin againít God and as often as we renew our Covenant, we do not only humble our (elves that we have finned, but we afrefh binde our felves never more to admit the 'eat infirmity,and fo live and die in the breach of it. 6. Then thediftindion between thofe that entered Covenant and broke it,tis lerem. 31.32, 33. and thofe that have the Law written, in their 'hearts, and put into their inward parts, to ob- ferve