Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. i 6. and the Covenant e, f Grace. III fúre, faith, ì1 our righteottfne(fe are as filthy rags, !fay 64.6. No greater charge of imperfe&ion can lie againft.the moft imperf c`t holineffe, then the Prophetlaies upon our righteoufneffe, neit,er do I underftand how-holineffe fhould be imperfect, taken mate- rially, and righteoufneffe perfe &,taken formally, in reference to a rule. We may(for ought I know) as well make holineffe formal, and referre it to a rule,and righteoufneffe material, in an abfolute coy fideration, without reference to any rule at all. And in Such confideratio I do not know how there can be perfe &ion or imper- ,fe &ion either in holineffe or righteoufneffe; it is as they come up to, or fall Ihort of the rule that they have, the denomination of .periedion or imperfe &ion, Pauls Gofpel- frame, whether you :will call it righteoufneffe or holineffe, is fet out,I am Sure, Roma. ,full of imperfe&ion; yet all this, as in reference to the rule, as it anfwered or fell Short in conformity to it, verfe 22. I delight in the Law of God after the inward man. Anctwhereas a charge of ignorance is laid even upon learned Teachers, that commonly I underhand the word righteoufneffe, and righteous as it referres to the old rule, I profeffe my felf to have little of their learning, but I am wholly theirs in this ignorance. I know no other rule but the old rule; the rule of the Morali Law, that is with me a rule, a perfe& rule and the only rule. The perfe &ion of this holineffe and righteoufneffe in mans integrity, ftood in the per - feh conformity to this Law, and the reparation of this in our regenerate eftate (in which the Apoftle places the image of God) muff have reference as to God for a patterne, fo to his Law as a rule. As an image carrying an imperfe& refemblance of its famplar,' is an image, fo conformity imperfe &íy anfwering the rule is conformity likewife. Sincerity is faid to be the new rule, or the rule of the new covenant. But this is no rule,but our duty, taking the abftra& for the concrete, fincerity for fincere walking, and this according to the rule of the Law, not to reach it, but in all parts to aime at, and have refpeCt to it. Then (ball 7 not be aßhamed when I have rtfJeE to all thy commandments, Pfal. r 19. 6. And this is our inherent righteoufneffe, which in reference to its rule labours under many imperfetlions A perfe&ion of fufli. ciency to attaine the end I willingly grant, God condefcending through rich grace to crowne weak obedience; in this fenfe our imperfection hath its perfeCtneffe : otherwife 1 mull fay that our inherent