Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

2 6 The Covenant of Worke Cha p.17 overthrow of mutual conferences, Chriflian communion for mu_ tuall edification , then the Minifferiall power. The Text is, not that ye (hall have no more Teachers in publick ; But they íball teach no more every max his brother,and every man his neighbour; for every one [hall k oft, him, &c. 1 he Apoftles charge , Col. 3, t 6. fires full in the face of this Interpretation , Let the Word of Chrift dVvell in you plenteoufy in all wifdome, 11ieang to one another. This Prophecie is fo flained, that there is no need of fuch admonition, nor any ufe of brotherly exhortations : Certainly neither of thefe inferences from this Prophecie , were in tice Apofiles thoughts when he exhorted the Theffrlonians, i Thef. 5. 11. Wherefore comfort your felves together, and edifie ene another even as afro ye dos adding in the next verfes: And we befeechyou brethren to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and adm, tifh you, and to et eem them very highly in love for their works fak!, c. The councel had been more fuitable to have bid them to have ceated this mutual confolation, and edification, and as for thofe that were over them, that diflincion of over and under was An- tichriftian; that they muff ceafe to honour, and make it their bu -. fineffe to level them. But above all it is wonder how thofe that are high in fetting up all for Teachers , and will have liberty of prophecie promifcuous, can with face urge this Text the letter of it being againfl, brother and brother neighbour and neighbour, teaching one another , and not againft a Minifferiall way for edi- fication. , 3. For the full interpretation of the words, that of King 7ames muff be acknowledged ; In myfficall prophecies , it is farre more eafie to confute an abfurd interpretation, then finde out a true one. MT Tombe" that joynes in the former part to effablifh an un- conditional Covenant, againfl New Teffament- light, yet leaves them in the latter, and fayes (fomewhat Magifferially after his manner) The not teaching one another there (poken of, is meant cf that obícure teaching l;Jhich teas under the Law. Apol. page 1 74 ,55. I with that a party whom he would be thought to lead ( and for whom it is boaffed, that he hath held up the ffron eff fnield and buckler) would heed him and that himfelfwould confider,that when he would have that party recede from the rigid adhering to the letter of th4s part of the prophecie, for overthrow of all helps for knowledge, flat againfl what the New Teftament hath pub- lifhed