Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

13 Q The Covenant of Works Chap. i8 that the noble foundation of Univerfities and Schools of Learn- ing, is grounded upon the example of the Prophets. To this end there was a Colledge in ]erufalem, where Huldah the Propheteffe did live, 2 Chron. 34.22. And 7eremy who lived in the fame time, fpeaks of the Prophets of 7crujalem, as of the Prophets of Sa- maria, Jer.23. r 3, t4. In either places, they had, as appears, Schooles of the Prophets. After the deflrut} ion of lerrr alem, Schooles for learning were frill held up by the j ewes. They had their Univerfity in Tiberias, as Weemes obferves, Cbriflian Syna- gogue,page I4S. In Babylon, faith he, there were three famous Univerfities, Neharda, Sora and Pambeditha. He farther faith, Colledges were appointed to receive firangers, and were called Labro- thenu, which is corruptly read, Libertines. efítis 6.9. By the fame providence on like warranty in the dayes of the Gofpel, they have been fet up at Alexandria, Antioch. Many famous men taught publickly (faith Willer further out of Martyr,) as Pentia rates, Origen, Clemens. Thee through Gods goodneffe are conti- nued wherefoever the Gofpel is preached, fo that the ufe of Schooles, the necefiity of Univerf ties, is evident as well in Scri- pture as the light of Reafon. Objeét. Tut the Vniverfties ofEurope area carafe of univerfal finnes and plagues ; me want the Vniverfities, the Seminaries and Seed -plots of all `Piety. But have not thole fountaines ever fens \that firearm's the times liked, and ever changed their talle and colour, ac. cording to the Princes eye and palate ? Bloody tenent, pag. 173. Anfro. So from the Prophets of leree alem, Jeremy cornplaines, that prophaneneffe is gone into all the land, their Univetfities (it feems) were as foule as ours, which the Prophet bewailed, and had a zeale to purge, but not with you for to deflroy and wholly ruinate The flreams from thence (bleffed be God) have not run in one Channel We have from thence fweet waters as well as bitter ftreames, that have made glad the Cities of God. Objec9'. I honour Schooles for `s' ongues and Arts, but the inflitreti. on of Europes Vuiverfities devoting Perfons, as its Paid, for Schol- lers in a Monallical way, forbidding marriage and labour too, 1 hold as forre from the minde of le (us Chrifi, as it is from the pro/ agating of his name and rvorjhip. Bloody Tenent. pag. r,3. Anfro. I am of your mindtt, they very well agree to both, as may fufîiciently appear in that which bath been faid. They that propagate his name ObjeQions an- f wered. Objeli. Anfir. Objet . So'.