Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

4, 138 The Covenant of Works Chap.i9. fi a&ing'in it. Paul and Barnabas ordaine Elders in every Church,. Men in will- which in their journall they vifite, Al-ts 14. 23. Timothy is di- flerial fin&i- relied in the way of it, z Tim. 5. 22. Lay hands fasddenly on no man, on are to a& Tittu is enjoyned to ordain Elders in every City in Greet Tit. 1.5. 1 it. He is named alone but the naming of one excludes not others ; and therefore it appears, that in Timothies Ordination a Presby- terie did joyn, i Tim.4. 14. Or a combination of Presbyters, which way in our Church hath ever been held. The Bifhop (hip - poled by fome, to be vefted in the whole power of Ordination ) never had authority to ordaine alone ; but grave Presbyters ac- cording to the Canon, were to joyn with him though by reafon of greatneffe his vote ordinarily did overmuch fway in it. Some would have the people here to have their hand, in that the word xeiefiava /7 ç in that place of the Aïls, chap. 14. '3. implies a lifting up of the hand. But whatfoever the word in its Etymolo- gy may imply, the ufe is not fuch, as is plain by comparing Ails to. 41. where the immediate Ordination of God by the fame word is held forth unto us. They know the weight of the Mini - fteriall fun&ion and they are belt able to judge of requifite a- bilities. One that is willing to give as much to the people as may be ; yet confeffes that in Grammaticali conftru&ion the word xc,6 roan y7Es can agree with no other but Paul and Brnabas, and that it was only their a& ; and therefore he would finde it in the word Kyari imanoiccv, which (faith he) cloth not fignifie in every Church,as it is tranflated, but according to the Church inflancing in. the Orators .phrafe , faciamfecnndism te; I will do it according to thy.minde : So they (viz, Paul and Barnabas) ordained them Elders, according to the Church, that is, according to the mince and Will of the Church. Blackwood in his preface to his Storme of Anti- chri/t, page ti. If this were granted, it would only conclude an acquiefcency in the people, and that they have fatisfaaion in that Ordination carried on by Paul and Barnabas. Yet this phrafe here can no more prove that the Church or people made diode of ahem , then we can prove from that injun &ion, of the Apoftie, Titus I. g. for Ordination of Elders in every City , that the whole City had there their vote in E le &ions; as much ftreffe may be laid upon gbt,s, in every City, or according to the minde of the City, it this of Pan. to Titan , as upon 4#,7' boancfav in e- very Church, or according to the minde of the Church, in that of Lake