Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 2 o. and the Covenant of Grace. We would not have fuch a fanner ('if we can pofiibly imagine a greater (inner) kept from Chrift Jefus : But--he mutt come in at the Gofpel door , he mutt come in the way of his call , he mutt come to receive whole Chrift in each function of his he mutt come for every gift whictrChrift poures out, he mutt come for re- pentance from Chrift as a Prince , as well as remiffion of fins as a Saviour, etls 5. 3 1. God hath exalted him with his right hand to be a Prince, and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Ifrael , and forgiven ffe of fnnes. He mull come by the way of Faith for for- givenet%: This both Prophets and Apoftles , Old Teftarent and New Teftament-Gofpel calls for, e.47is ìo. 43, To him give all the Prophets witneffe , that through his name,who, ocver beleeveth in him, fhallreceive remißon of finnef,, They mutt come by re- pentance and converfion in order to forgiveneffe, Atli 3.r 9, Re- pent ye therefore and be converted, thatyour fin- may be blotted out, when the times of refrefhing(ball come from the pretence of t'e Lord, I do not fay,that there is no promife in Scripture made to a wicked man; that is the greateft Gofpel- paradox; (fee Mr. Baxters ap- pendix, pag 4, 7.) But I fay, they are not made good to wicked perfons. They are made to the wicked, made good, that is, per- formed to the beleeving and penitent. To finde a promife made, and made good, that is, tendred and performed to a man unbe- leeving impenitent, that is indeed a labour. One indeed reply - to this queftioning, What, if I have not thole conditions in me, at to feel myfel f hungry, thirfly, and heavy-laden ? Anfwers , .1f you finde not thefe or fuck conditions in you, thenyou are not to apply your [elf to thole promifes , that are made to fuch as have thole conditions them, Ent you are to feek out for other (and more fuitable) promi- fes, which are ablolute and Without condition. It is worth asking where thofe fuitable promifes are to a man void of faith ? For j that before by the Authour was mentioned, or a man impenitent, j and not fo much as hungring after them (fuch a one I meane, that upon good grounds, is able to charge the want of thefe up- on his foul) I am fur they are under heavie Scripture-woes,even Gofpel menaces; apd can they at the fame came be fitted to re ceive the mercy of a promife ? Where are his promifes that hun -,1 gers and thirfts not , when thrift faith , wo to ycu that are full, for you /hall hunger? Where is his promife that mottnes not, but goes on frolick in his way , When Chrift faith Woe unto you .. U that Whole Chrift mull be re- ceived, and all of his gifts embraced. Pro mifes are made to the wicked, made good only to the beleeving acid penitent. Oblations anfwered.