Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 2 r . and the Covenant of Grace. 147 life without fenfe of thefe , is to deceive him. That happy Do- drine of free grace fo timely abufed, even- as foon as clearly preached, is now no leffe abufed ; Then inferences were made from it for encouragement to abound in fin, for the advancement of grace, Rom. 6. T. Now inferences are drawn to cry down duty; righteoufneffe imputed muff overthrow righteoufneffe inherent. The Apoftlewould not Puffer the former ; the Minifters of Chrift must not beare the latter. CHAP. XXI. A People in Covenant mull cone up to the termes of the Covenant, being engaged to God, they mull anfiver their engagements. H Ence farther follower, that all people in Covenant fhould come up to the termes and propofitions of the Covenant, entring Covenant fhould fee that their hearts are upright in it. How do we aggravate their wickedneffe, and hold in detestation all thofe perfons that break Covenant with men having paft a promife (efpecially having putupon it the fanc`fion of an Oath ) yet violate and tranfgrefhe it. Thefe firft involve themfelves in the guilt of lying,which every where in Scripture is followed with judgements ; an Art which they learne of the Devil, who is a liar, and the father of lies, john 8.44. And therefore with him have their doome in the lake that burnes with fire and brimftone, Revel. 2 r. 8. Secondly, In the pollution of Gods name, which we fhould have in that fear and dread, Deut, 28.5, 8. Taking it in vaine,in falfehood,and deceit into their mouths; endeavouring to bring in that God whom they pretend to ferve, in whom is all their expectation as a party in their falfehood , and ungodli- neffe. This high crime is charged upon Ifrael in taking to them - felves again thofe fervants that according to Covenant they had difmiffed, 7erem. 34. 15,16 re turned and polluted my name, and caufed every man fervant, and every man his handmaid,rehom he had jet at liberty at their pleaftere to rettdrne and brought them into fubjetlion to be unto you for fervants and for hanc?maids; therein is the overthrow of all bonds of humane fociety , of all converfe U 2 and The CVii. Of breach olCo, venant with mane