Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap./ 3. The Old and New Covenant. IdI whileft other Nations were known by the name of Circumcifion, being without title to that Seale ; and were without Chrifi, aliens to the Common - wealth of lfrael, and flrangers from the Covenant of Promife, Eph. 2.12. Therefore the Apoftles before the,vaile was taken away had that reftraint upon them, 4datth. ro. S. Go not into the way of the Gentiles and inty any city of the Samaritans enter ye not. The loflfheep of the hassle of ¡Niel being in Covenant, they only were in theircommiílion. That was a valley ofvifon, all other people were in darknefï'e. They were a people of God , o- thers were no people. The NewCovenant takes in all Nations re- fpeâive to the Covenant ; no Nation hath any barre put to it, 6utin every Nation he that feareth God , and workethrighteoufnefs, is accepted with him, Ads to. 35. Chrift having taken away the partition -wall. The Apoftles have a commiffion for theDifcipling of all Nations, fo that in Chrifi yefus , there is neither Jew nor Creek, Scythian nor Barbarian, Col. 3. ti. 3. They differ in their duration or continuance. 'The OId Co- venant had but its date of time, which being expired, it mutt give way for the New to fucceed. Thus the Apoftle reafons from the Prophets prediction of a New Covenant, Heb. 8. i3. In that he faith, A NeW Covenant, he bath made void the Old ; now that which decayeth and naxeth old, is ready to vanifh away. This was to ftand till times ofreformation, Heb. 9. z o, This fecond Cove- nant mull remaine, till the end of time. Thefe are called the lait dayes, in that-after thefe there muff be no change of Ordi- nances. The Miniftery now eftablifhed is to remaine to the end of the world, Matth.28.20. and the Sacraments untill Cbrifts fecond coming unto judgement. 4. They differ in the way of dedication or confecration. The Old Covenant was dedicated and purified with theblood of Bulls and Goats and other Sacrifices, which according to the Law were flain and offered as the Apoftle to the Hebrews obferves from Exod. 24. y, 8. Heb. 9. 19, 20, 2I. When Mofes had pken every precept to all the people according to the LaW,he took the blood of calves andgoats, with water and Scarlet -wooll and by lope , and fprinkled both the book,and all the people ; laying, This is the blood of the Te- (lament Which God bath enjoined you. Moreover, heiprinkled with blood both the Tabernacle and all the Tiler of the Aiinifiery. But in the New Teftament , the dedication is in the blood of Chrift. Y This