Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

A Preface to the Reader. them towards fanâity. Mr. Tombes is a man that pretends to argument,and would perfwade that he will convince with reafon; This is not for every mans underftanding,and thole that can underftand him are able eafily to returne anfiver to him; he is much too high for thofe that in this Controverfie know little, and as much too low for them that know any thing to purpofe : And indeed I think it a fpeciall provi- Í Bence that he fhould thus appear with a Phew of learning, a volume of words, a rhapiody of Authors,getting a name to be the ftrongeft fword and buckler that was ever lift up in this caufe ; to draw the eyes of his party towards him, and then fall fo flat. able to make good nothing; fo that men far from cenforious vanity,well able to judge(upon ferions per - ufal of his works,and,converfe with him) do conclude,that it is not poffible buthé goes againft thedic`tates of his own con - fcience.Ifhall delire no more from any that are able to judge, but that they will read Mr. Tombes Poftfcript fo farre as Iam concerned, and compare it with my Anfwer to his Letter, which in that Apology he oppofeth, and then impartially give their judgements,whether it be in any part fatisfa &ory,or in the leaft degree anfwering his Pelf- opinione HisPrxcur for being thus fent before,after feveral moneths revolution (expeEting that by this time fuch an harbinger had made all ready), he is pleated in perfon to followafter, not in full body with all his puiffance at once, but ftep by ftep, a way more becoming Rate and greatneffe; In his firft entrance making the boldeft addreífes, entering the higheft companions, frill referving to himfelf (if the fword of the Spirit have any priority in glory) the preeminence; Then fending forth one piece, that as a Lion by his paw, fo he by this may ftrike terror in his adverfaries in the thought of the formidable power of that which follows ; The mountaines havebeenlong in travell, and' the ferious Reader will no doubt admire the birth that is thus far, to his wonder, come a forth.