Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

A Prefacet to the Reader. ( about which the meer congregational men and the Antipxdobaptifts agreeing in the former, do differ ) that they excluding the feed , and leaving them in the fame condition (hope of education excepted ) with the Heathens : In thefe and force others, as the Reader may meet withall, I have been more large; in Inch things where all agree, or where it much skills not whether we agree or differ ( as in what place, whe ther on earth , or heaven,man had enjoyed immortality in cafe he had not finned ) what need we to adminifter matter of contention, our work is to make up breaches (were it poffible,fo far as it may ftand with truth ) and not to widen them. Fourthly, I have not fo tied up my felf to the expreffe immediate doórine of the Covenant, but that I have occa- fionally drawn Corollaries or Inferences leading to other 'things ofneer relation to, and neceffary dependance upon 'this-of the Covenant; I fhall not need to give inftance, the Reader all along will meet with them,fuch as I thought would be ufefull and to the judicious not ungrateful, force tof them pradicall, that the whole of the Book might not be found to be polemical, ayming at leaft at that which the Poet, fo cryes up ---omne tulit punaum, qui mifcuit utile Fifthly, For that part in which I have moft to deal with my old Antagonift ( which I am advertifed,) is leaft red,becaufe now of leaft Lire, in regard that Point to fo great fatisfadion bath been fpoken to at large. And Ma- iler rombes is generally lookt upon low enough under hatches)the Reader may fee that I have fpoken to it one- ly as ( according to my method laid down) I have beene neceffitated, and fo that the Covenant had not been vin- dicated( acccording to my duty ) in cafe that had been neg- leded. I mu 0 affert the fpirituality of the old Covenant, and maintain that the Gofpel was preached as \yell 0 t i o them, as