Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

CT. Obje&iöns prevented. It is not the fante with Faith. Chap. 14. ia. Duty ex. plained. fz. Service able for mans re- paration in ' his quali- Ifications ix. Joyntlyagainft Faith and Repentance. They to hold up `' ire mans conditions, not Gods. Ch. 15. -c o ntmuni- Atferted in fix In the pre-requifte godly forrow particulars li- L mtted:, Ch, t4, Privative. Ceffation from , In the Effcntials. , finne. Pofr.tivc. Roturne to 'ibid. God. on' with "., 3; Objections j (s It is not hereby made a Co- God, I anfwered. venant,ofWorks. which' is z. Particularly I Repent- 1 Z Repentance neceffaril Lance. againft repent - 4 flowing from Faith, is 1 ance it felt: not thereby difenabled from being a condition in the Covenant of Lf . Grace. L4 Degree of obedience required in our returne.. ri. Perfeftion of degrees not called for. of God in Covenant. z. Covenant of Grace doth not call f Afferted.' perfeftion,and accept lincerity. or Objeaions anfwered. 3. Our Evangelical righteouineífe is imperfect., f L4 Covenant of Grace: requires and accepts nceritj =. Tr. Explained. rt. Neccf£ityof a conftant ftanding _ bliniftery to z. Affected. bring men intó `Cove- nant With God , and to ¡ bring them up to the ! termes o£it. 3. Objeítion L' anfwered. !bid. chap. 16. 7. I. In reaCons evincing that fuch a Miniiiery is ëftalilifhèd. z.In reafons evincing fuch à Mi- niftery to be thus eftabliflted. {!er. yoel z. z8,zg, Vindicated. 3t3j¢JJ'e VindicaChteda ap, 17. 4. Corollaries.