Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. i . and the Covenant of Grace. ly fuch without any farther folemnity, or ceremony, or any thing more then is effentially necelfary in a Covenant, a mutual en- gagement between each other on fuch termes and propofitions as are mutually agreed. Or elfe they are Covenants with addi tion of ceremonies, folemnities,wayes of ratification and con- firmation, as inflances might be given in Covenants both hu- mane and divine , committing the words of the Covenant to writing, Ter. 32.1o. calling in witneffes, as in the fame place, and Ruth 4. Io,11. by giving of the hand, making oath, Exek 17.18, any National cuffome in ufe, for confirmation as the Letting up of a ftone, 7ofhua 24.26, 27. the divifion of a Calf, and paffagebetween the parts of it, ler, 34. 18. laying upon themfelves by way of imprecation fuch a judgement that then befel that beaft, in cafe of falfification fo that fome ma- king definition of a Covenant, over and above what is effential, make addition of fuch wayes of ratification; fo Ravaneliwi out of Hierom defines a Covenant to be, Amu - t0al agreement of two parties,in which ei- ther ties hitnfif to other upon certain con - ditions in the ofe, of force outward figues andtokens, for attefiatian and conftrrmati- on,that the.promife may be inviolable.T he Covenant which God pleafes to enter with man, efpecially with fallen man, under which we are, and our fathers in old Teffament- adminiftrations were, is not a bare naked Covenant, but in the higheft way of folemnity, com- mitted to writing, John 20. 31. confirmed by witneffes with miracles, Heb. 2: 4. by oath, Heb. 6. 13.17. by feals, Matth. 28. 19. Matth. z6 28. compared with Rom. 4. I 1. And when he might have dealt with man, by way of Iovereignty, ruling foie ly by prerogative and command, not letting man know any re- ward for his fervice, or at all to have underffood the iffue and e- vent ; yet he is pleafed to wave fuch right, and to deale by way of Covenant, and that in this way here mentioned. Firff, That his people might be willing in the day of his power, TM. 11,0.3, Obedience extorted ; contributes not that honour to him, whom we obey, we confeffe a neceflity in our felves to rant v yeeld, but fcarce acknowledge any worth in fucl! a Superiour to :" 1. command ;.ferving 'no .othetwife.then ffraet did,Pharisoh, as a Matita p.illio duarum przrtium, guâ altera alteri fe cut conditionibus obligat ad aliquid faciendum, dandum, aut accipàendum, adbibitis fìgnis & Symbnlra externs, ad folennem teßifi- catio 2rrr, con firmat ioni.r cauf a",ut promiffio fit, in4 víslabilis. Sic er` tirfìnus. Reafons w God deals with man in a ove,