Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Y I N _D I I 1E I' V`E D E R !t' S; OR, A A TI S OF THE Covenant of ENTERED WITH NI A, N_ 1 .D. , In .this feveral Kindes and Degrees-dit IN WHICH c.'u.. . The agreement and refpe &ive differences of the eavenant of works, and the Covenant ofGrace, of the Old and New Covenant are difcufL. The conditions of the Covenant of Grace on mans part ; are afl.ïgnedand aifertcd, The tuft latitude and extent held forth , and againft all oppoftes defended, 'Several CoYollaries còntaining many heads of Divinity , ö controverted ; and practical points fingularly ufefull inferred. In particular the ne,ceffiry of a confiant retied Miniftery (to bring men into Cove- nant , and to bring them up to the termes of it,) and of Scbooles , and e'ur ferias of Learning, and an orderly çá11 in tendencyto Three Scripture- Texts by Mr. john Tombes in the firft part ofihîs.aflntipadobaptif ae folely'handled, and totally perverted, are fully vindicated. Infant -Rapt fine in that latitude, as now mule in reformed Churches; maintained.. By Thomas Blake, ifiniftér of the Gold.. AJl this k come úpon ras yet ham 119e nor forgotten thee, neither hive we dealt falfely in the Covenant, Pfal. 44. 17. .-- 1.or.1e n, 1'rintedfor4 beï doi er, at the ,.un aagai7ft Dzyt f'a, Church in Fleet -fireet. 1653