Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

484 An Appendix. follow Charnier Panftrat. Cath. Tom. 4. lib. 5. Cap. to. SeFt. 67. Who thug formes the propofition included in the e,lpoftles fermi, All borne of thofe parents Whereof one is not fanaified in the other, are uncleane 'Parents whereof one is fanc7ified in the other, do ne- ver beget children clean or holy: and he knew What Was Pauls Lo.. gick as well au Malter B. or Matter Blake. I was before brought in, with Chamier,to yield it: Now I am brought in (with the beft of my Logicke) againft (homier to oppofe it,But that the Read- er may be acquainted with Mafter Tombes his dealings as well' with this as other Authours , I (hall let down before his eyes the whole of that fec`fion. De fvielitate ills ceremoniali quid di- cam ? Venit in menteur Aquilino,, fed Deus bone,quàm aliena ? Pro - feElo quadam font tam abfurda, ut refutari non mereantur. Enge, dixit ApQftolus, Si non fantliicetur maritus infidelis in uxore fi- deli , futurum ut filii ink nati fiat impuri; Ergo omnes fie natipant impuri , out falfum dixit Apoftoltu lid ergo ? Ormnéfne nati ex ils parentibus quorum alter non fantli ficatur in altero , geniti font in men f rois ? Nunquámne in- fideles utuntur uxoribns niìmenftruatis 7 Ità oportet fané, ant hanc ridiculam efre inter pretationem. Turn autem in lege vetcri,cúm max - imé prohibebantur viri accedere ad menflruatas, velim doceri, uhi dic`ti font filii fïc concepts, impuri, o.'Kt, :9urras? uod f nihil fit pra- ter human conjet`iura divinationem , quis pro demonfiratione admit - tat ? Neque verb Auguflinus docet ufquarn eo fenfu dici impuros fed tantltm ex Ezechielis decimo oelavo,non efe figuratè accipiendam prohibitionem, accedendi ad menitruatam; quad procul obeli ab hoc negotio. The Reader may finde truth from Mafter Tombes his penne, affoon as either of thefe propofations Logically concluded, . or fo.much as mentioned by Charnier, yeaChamier is here full a- gainft him. He thus formes the Apoftles propofition, If the un- beleeving bufband were not fantli fled in the beleeving Wife, then the children borne Mould be untleane, &c, Now Mr. Tombes will not have the word beleeving at all put into the argument , but wholly excluded from it,and there lies the whole ftrength ofhis weak ob. jeetion, where he follows not Charnier, but flatly oppofeth him, and (as hebath dealt with me) grofely traduceth himo,.