Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

The Covenant of Words a world, as by way of ranfome to deliver a foul. Chrift there- fore that k_new no fin, is mads fin, that id, an offering for fin. Goa manfeftt in the flefb, he that was God and man bath undertaken the worK, manto fuller, and God to fatisfie in fuffering and fo God is in Chrifi reconciling the world to himfelf, 2 Cor. S 19 The immediate effe6t or refult of this price of mans redempti- on, (l fuppofe) is the putting of man into a capacity of a Cove- nant with God, God thus purchafing hù Church with h. blond, ACIs 20. 2 8, yet when this is done, till more be done by Chrifl in the way of his Mediatourthip for man, men are not yet in Cove- nant, not the eletz} among men. This is evident in thofe Fphefi- ans that were railed up together, and made fit together in heaven- ly places in Chrifi 7efùa, Ephef. 2.6. There was no time in which Chrift had not paid the price of their ranfome, yet there was a time, and then but lately over, that they were without Chrfi, be- ing aliens from the Common - wealth of lfraei, and firangers from the Covenant of promife, having no hope, and without God in the world, Ephef, 2. 12. E1et} Infidels are not till their call, in Cove- nant, they fland not ac`fuaily reconciled, and one with God be- fore Faith : for then there needed no Miniffery of reconciliation to follow. If this were granted, then Chrift did the whole for mans falvation on the Croffe by himfelf, and doth nothing now in heaven by way of interceflion, nor any thing by his agents in a miniflerial way upon earth, neither could man before faith, be under wrath, in which he is yet concluded by our Saviour him- felf, 'John 3. 36. Wrath, and an attual reconciled eftate cannot fland together. There is a price paid, and (as I may fay) in the Fathers hand, but to be applied according to the good pleafure of the Father and the .Sonne; A man may purchafè a prifoners liberty, fo that he bath it in his juft and legal power to let him free, and yet take what time he pleafeth in difcretion to impart it to him,and aftually deliver him. In this work there are three parties; God the Father as Creditor, Chrift ¡efus the Surety, man the Debtor. The Father might have refufed this difcharge from the hand of Chrift, and exacted it of the principal ; as Chrift might have refufed to have made filch payment, he was not in the Obligation. There was a relaxation of the perfon as is a- greed on all part,es, man muff come in and manifefl his accept- ance , till he is content to leave his old matter fin and Satan, this Chap.4ó