Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.5. and the C.ivenant of Grace. 21 ofChri f,Fphef.2.r3.that is,brought into a vifible Church -fiate in the fruition of ordinances, made free of that City whole name is, The Lord is here, Ezek. 48. 35. CAAP. V. LA' farther difference between the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. ,AFarther difference of importance between thefe Covenants, , is in the conditions annext unto either of them , and here the difference is brought to the height. This alone fo diverfi- fies them, that they are not barely in circumftance and way of adminiftration, but in fubftance two diftincf Covenants ; The leaft difference in conditions diverfifies bargains and agreements on what part foever the difference is. Conditions of the Cove- nant between God and man are of two forts, either fuch in which God engages himfelf, or in which man is engaged; either the flipulation on Gods part, or elfe the reftipulation on the part of man. The former unto which God is engaged , are either re- wards in cafe of Covenanrikeeping, or punifhments in cafe of Covenant - breaking; the one the Lord promifes, the other he threatens. I finde no material difference in the conditions on Gods part in thefe Covenants, life is promifed in both, in cafe of Covenant - keeping ; and death is threatened in both , in cale of Covenant - breaking. Some indeed have endeavoured to finde a great difference in the life promifed in the Covenant of works, and the life that is promifed in the Covenant of grace; as allo in the death that is threatened in the one and the other , and thereupon movemany, and indeed inextricable difficulties. What life man fhould have enjoyed, in caa /e Adam had not fallen ? erfnd What death man Amid have died , in care (brIj had not been romf¡êd ? From which two end leffely more by way of con - fettary may be drawn, by thofe that want neither wit, nor lei - fure to debate them. In which the belt way of fattsfaaion and avoidance of fuch puzling mazes, is to enquire what Scripture means by Life, which is the good in the Covenant romited'. and what by Death, which is the evill threatened ? Now for the firft,. D 3 Life Conditions in the Covenant of works and the Covent of grace on Gods part fcem to be the fame.