Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.4. and the Covenant of Grace. if we may make fuch a fappof tion of mans standing, now he is fallen, that he tbould not have continued a life of immor- tality on earth , but have been tranflated into heaven.. He had that blefling from God as other living creatures, to be fruitful/ and inultip:y, Gen. a 28, and how the world could have con- tained all thofe individuals at once , which to eternity man fhould propagate,eannot be imagined. And to conceive that an end in time flhhould be put to propagation, when an animal life in the ufe of the creature Ihould be continued,is fcarce confift- ent with reafon. But a thoufand of thefe God can expedite when we are at a ftand ; He promifed life , and he could have made it good, and we fee he limited not himfelf, where, or how Death threat- to conferre it. And what I have faid of life promifed, the farne erred in the I fay of death threatened,in cafe man upon finne be brought nto Covenant of a flare of mifery. Juftice is done, and the threat takes hold, where Works and in Covenant and howfoever this mifery be fuffered whether it had been in the Cn of Grace one forrows and horrors on earth, in feparation of the foul firft, for and the fame. torments, and the body to follow, or in a fpeedy difpatch of foul and body to hell. Gods way of execution after the finnecom- mitted, (on thofe that are not by Chrift ranfomed) does not ar- gue that the penalty in the Covenant neceffìtated him to it, might not he at once have poured out the whole of his venge- ance on veffels of wrath, when yet we know that he takes time for the execution of it ? My learned friend Matter Baxterjn- quiring into this death that was here threatened, faith, that the Jame damnation that followed the breach of thefecond Covenant,' it could not be, Aphorif. of Juftificarion, page 15. When I fup- j pofe it rather fhould be laid, that in fubftance and kinde it can be no other ; Infidels that were never under any other Covenant then that of works, and Covenant breaking Chriftians are in the fame condemnation, there is not two hells but one and the fame, for thole that k toW not Cod, and thofe that obey not the Golpel of irhriff, 2 T het i. S. Neither is there any Limbs , or diftinci place for infants in original fin , and out of the Covenant of Grace, Neither can I affent to that fpeech, To fay that Adam: Aliauld have gone quick. to hell, if Chrift had not been promifed, or fin pardoned, is to coatraditt the Scriptures , that makes death temporal the wages of ;gin. It were I confeffe tap pref ime above Scripture, but :1 cannot fee it a conttadidion of Scripture ; A burn-