Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Th ,Covenant of Grace calls for condition., i,om man,. The Covenant of Works Chap. 6. minentiam Quiff, but to the feed to whom he gave the Land of Canaan. lllofes calls all Ifrael, Dealt. 5.2, 3. and faies to them, The Lord our God made a Covenant with us in Horeb The Lord made net this CoL en tnt with our fathers, but With ass that are alive this day. The Apoftle therefore faith,To them belong the Cove- nants, Rom, c. 4, And 'Peter tells them, They are the children of the Covenant that God made with their fathers, Acts 3.25. This Covenant was made with the Church,notwith the Mediatour;his work in the bufineffe of redemption was not ours, nor yet the reward,our work is not his ;H e is not both Mediatour and party, as Mafter Baxter well notes. And if he 'were in Covenant and not we, I fee not how we fhould beare the blame of breaking Covenant, when yet the Apoftle laies it no lower then damnati- on, nor yet how we fhould have any praife or reward in keeping. it, when yet the Apoftle raifeth it as High as falvation. Secondly, Gods Covenant with man hath its reflipulation from man, When r e engages to man to conferre happincfje upon him, he re- quires conditions from him. This I know hath firong oppofition by men of two forts, and they of different stamps, and for dif- ferent ends. The firft deny all Gofpel- conditions,all Covenant - termes on mans part, to the end they may affert Juflification be- fore and withoùt Faith, Salvation without Repentance and Obe- dience, which though it be contradi6i ed by abundant teftimonies of Scripture (placing unbeleeving, impenitent and difobedient ones in hell : under the wrath of God, yea fuch unbeleeving,im- pénitent ones that have laid higheft claime to Chrift,lllatth. 7. a 3.) yet it feems wholly to follow, and neceffarily to be evinced from this abfolute unconditionate Covenant.IfChrift have whol- ly finifhed, not only the work of mans redemption but alfo of his falvation upon the Croffe, without farther work of applica- tion (as one in a diftinc`t Treacife bath made it his endeavour to prove) then we may (as he there doth) decry both our faith in Chrift, and Chrifls interceffion for us Herein Doctor Cri fJ,e (ac- cording to his wonted weakneffe) is very induftrious, and whereas the Scripture tells us, Chrifl ciwells in our hearts by Faith, Ephef. 3. 17. he would prove that Chrift enters into us without us,dwells in the unbeleeving, and in reference to this opinion of his he makes it his bu_:ineffe as to deny Faith, in reference to Juftificati- on,,fo all GofpelCovenant.conditions. t411 other rovenants be-