Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

ü The Covenant of Workr Chap.6. nant. It is faid to be everlafting, becaufe it fhall not be antiqua- ted for another to fucceed it, or at leaft that man is not to put a period to it (fo Circumcifion and the Paffeover are Ordinances for ever) not, that none entring into it never break or tranfgrefl'e it ; the Ele6t of God, the Regenerate keep Covenant, fo do not all that enter into it. There are frequent Scripture - complaints of breach of Covenant. Secondly, It is faid C_tan bath no tie upon him to perform any thing whatf ?ever in the Covenant, as a condition that muff be obfer- ved on his part, let the Covenant it felf be judge in this cafe; markit in .Jeremy, Ezekiel, or in Heb. 8. An[ Whatfoever is there fet forth as Gods work upon the foul, is alfo required of man as duty, namely to be renewed in the fPirit of la, minde, Eph, 4. 23. To males, him anew heart, and a neW firit, Ezek. i 8. 3 s . That the word .of C hrifi dwell in him richly in all Wifdom, Col. 3. 16. It will be hard for any to point out a promife of this nature, but it may be anfwered with a command, as an obligation unto duty, as the precepts mutt not thruft out the promife, nor duty shoulderout free grace, fo the promife muft not destroy the precept ; In that of Jeremy, conditions on mans part are included, fo as by the affìltance of grace to be performed, (as Matter Omen confeffes) the tie lies upon us on pain of Joffe of all that the Covenant promifeth and bearing all that it threateneth. Thirdly, Suppose (faith Dr. Crifpe) there should be a fault ofper- forming in this Covenant, whole were the fault ? Anfw. The fault is his, who is chidden in Scripture,and beaten for it, namely thole that did flatter God With their mouth, and lied unto him with their tongues, Whole heart was not right With him, nor were fledfafl in his Covenant, Pfal. 78. 3 6, 37. They, upon rohem he Will bring a ftbord to avenge the quarrel of his Covenant, Lev. 26.25. are in the fault. Fourthly, If there be conditions then the Covenant is not free, gifts mull be of abfolute grace and bounty, if a condition be required, the freedome of the gift is- dellrojed. An ¡rv, This is true of fuch conditions, where there is merit in the condition, whereby benefit accrues to him that engages by promife, hold'"ng proportion with the reward, but here is nothing indented by way of Covenant, but that homage which is natural- ly due,