Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

ONIMIIPRO 3 The Covenant of Work' C mine ufeg thole words promifc uoufly) compleat and abfolut to o any but beleevere, yet they are tinderflood with a condition ref peèive- ly to thole that do not 6eleeve ; and Dr. Whittaker in his Lectures on the Sacraments chap. 4. returnes this anfwer ;. d Ex parte Pei qui opt per Lila era- d On Gods part which o f fer grace by them, they are alwayes evidences ofgrace, but not on mane part. A Sacrament is not a tefiximony of grace abfolutely,but if he that receiveth the Sacrament beleeves the Proms/è. And afterwards he faith, The Tromife ofgrace is conditional, for it requi_ reth faith. The Sacraments therefore confirme nothing to the unbeleever, becau/e Sacramental promifes are conditional, and unbeleevers are promife. breakers, and conf pions to themfelves of breach of Covenant: And Vorf uss in his e,lntibellar. Contract. ad The /, Sex tam De decries feu virtute ej efficacia- Sacramentorum. Speaking in the name of Protetant Divines (??ellarmines adver - e In quinta inconfequentiam effe aper- facies) faith, they thus answer : e' in this fifth tam,quum nec T ei iuftitutio, net Chilli , argument there is a rr trLifi' fl inconfequence, fee - mcritum ullo modo labefac et, nedum ftm- Mg neither the inflitution of od, nor the merit pliciter tollat ear conditioner , quas in ofChrifl,dothany rimy weaken, much leffe whol. percipáentibus. Sacramenta Deua ipfere- ly take Hway thufe Lora,Jirion,r which God hirnfelf quirát. r: q ire s. It were eaaie to adde the fuf"rage Profunt praftant quod ftgntfcant; of many others, Dr, Reynolds Meditations on atiaabfolute,st tris.alia exraci fè cum the Lords Supper, chap; 2. faith; The .P ,mi_ conditionsfidei (5. obedientia, ut arbor is and Word of grA.e With the- Sacraments are vita, CircumcifìG,c' omiüa Sarrw "." /l annexa promáf oni gratia?. Pareus in a_ . 6rt as fa many leafed deeds, to¿e over Gen. cap. 9. ver. 17, unto all fnccerj. on, of the Chur,;h,f o ion as they continue legitimate children; and cblerve the Dawes on their part required, an info lltble clam and title unto that good which is notjet revealed,. unto that inheritance which is as yet laid up, unto that life which is hid rrith God and was never yet folly opened, or let fine upon the earth. Mr. Rutherford in his due right of Presbyteries page ztá.. faith, God heath given the fealeof grace, upon condition that we will make rife ofit in faith,. elfe the Sa- crament is blank and cull._ Thirdly, that which is a priviledge of a Church vifible; be- longing to thou: thatare called to a vifible Proeffion, though not chofen, cannot abfolutely affurevifible.Church-members of lufffi.- tiam,femper funt tejlimoniagratia; at non ex parte hominum: jemper non eft Sacra mentum teftimonium gr.;tia abfoluté, fed f is quifufcipit Sacramcntum credat pro - 1 mifoni.- 1 `Promifoprati c conditionalis eft, re- quirit enim fidem; non credenti igitur Sacramcntum nihil confirmas, quia pro_ mifones fàcraraentales funt conditiona- les, non crcdenses funt fcedifragi.,