Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

a 54 The Covenant of Works Chap.$. death of corruption through the Spirit can never exempt the foul from obedience, or take the power of command from ir. Let it be granted that the Law is the husband here mentioned, the fi- militude is this. That as the Law through our corruption was fruitful in mans nature to the bringing forth of fin and condem- nation; So Chrtft by the Spirit is to be fruitful in our nature to bring forth works of grace to falvation, and fo the death of the Law is meerly in refped of irritation or enflaming to fin and binding over to condemnation, not in refpe& of command.That this is the full and clear fcope of this fimilitude, beyond which it muff not be stretched, plainly appears, ver . 5, For when we were in the fiefh, the motions of fins which were by the Law did workin our members to bring forth fruit unto death. So that here is nothing againft the commanding power of the Law: God frill keeps up his sover.ignty, and by this Law he rules the regene- rate. I with Mafter Rowell would fadly reflee`f upon that reafon of his, page 232. The .Law is not authorized byChrifl to reigne and "rule in the confciences of his people, for his Fathers peace, his owne righteoufneffe, and his Spirits joy. There is none that fpeaks of the rei gne of the Law in the confciences of the people of God, but God in Chriff reignes,and by his Moral Law rules for all thefe reafons, fo farre are thefe from excluding his rule by his Law in his peoples hearts. if this rule of the Law be defiru&ive to Chrifis righteoufneffe, then Chrifts coming for righteoufneffé mutt needs be to defiroy the Law, which (as Mafter Powell ob- ferves) Chi-ill difclaimes. And the rule of the peace of God in our hearts is fo farre from excluding his rule by his Law , that without it, it can never be attained, great peace have they that love thy Law, and nothing (hall offend them, Pfal.i 19. 165. This is the confidence that we have in God, that whatfoever we dike according to his will, we fhall receive, becaufe we keep his commandments, i John 3.22. A Commandment bath a.commanding power, and only they that keep them have this peace ruling in their hearts. The Spirits joy,and the power of the Law to command , are fo farre from oppofing one the other, that the Spirit gives teftimonyr of Gods abode in no other but filch as confeffe and yeeld to this power. Lie that keepeth his Commandments dwelleth in h m, and he in him : and léreby we know that he abideth in ru, by the Spirit which he bath given ud, i John 3.24. And of like nature is that which he hath,