Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

The Table. of mansfaults inabrence. ofgodly conference. we are tenunfit hereto. ' 146 How todale in badcompanies. 147 Get a habit ofheaalymindednes.r48 8. Adueconideration ofour dal- 149 .4.1 good laid); isgeedinailpoints. ibi. in Nature. 150 meet Objell. 111 matter. ibi. Teri-m:010 bepleating. heart fincere. 41. Manesgood, eircumflancesfeafona 113 14 ibid. 157 158 159 161 to good. 6z How the godly ,Mould redeeme the time. 163 Confideration of time to come. 164 We have golden dales. Danger will come. 163 Our bodies mull decay. ibid we mull give accountfir time. ibid. The beft reckoning. Bert have many lets. )66 Chrifliansfhould be Oaring in their recreations. 167 Nothing mu# abate our .Oirituaa comfort. 168 Herringofconfcience. 169 Howproftnelecke.earthly jayes. ibid. Difference ofOiratuall and carnal! Dyes. 170 1. In laflingneffe. ibid. 2.1upurity. Many wearies ofcarnall iayes. 171 Sweetnefjeof Oirituailley. 174 3. theirexceileny. 175 ble. Endmull begood. 7tccreation not telly. Not cruel!. Not to loofe time. Timefhert. Time precious. Howworldlingffrendtime. we have many opportunites 4. Vnconquerable. 177 WiCkE)Ci 1400tbeare the lire oftheir chiefedelights. / 7g Vie not to fuffir earthly to depriveof heavenly. 179 z. Ofvifitationsof one anothermuch home. 18,, warrantable. 181 iserviceablenefe togreat ones is dan. gerous. 113z Feallingwithfiich is fo. 18; Hew toprevent thole. 185 &lions indifferent in nature not in ufe. 186 Not too bold torte into company.387 Cautions to bee ufed. To feeke their goodbe armed. 188 Lawful! to obferve carnal' menwith common Offices. 189 Not total:vacongreat men. 190 'Great griefe by ferzaag nuns hu- mours. 191 much comfort in Communion of Saints. ibid. I prepare forfecietie. ii;id., common meetingsfulloffinfu 11 talke, fo begreat Feafis. 193 ; Concerning natural aaions, date, drinke,fkepe. 194 Gluttony,finfull baites,hurtshereof, 195 ft breeds dileafes. 196 'Shortens life. 397 Many casfes offhortnefie of lift bin. y, ders aCtivel 198 Light ofnature condemns gluttony. 199 Exceilein drink& Foule fins now ap- proved. 200 Judgements of the Fathers againg drinkinghealths. 201 Skepe : right and illufe thereof zos. , more danger in lawful' then unlam- fUll things. to6 4. Ofcivil'dealings,deeamwewould be done to. 207 Bow