Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. 1. Cap. I4· ,Affiiaed·(onfdtnce;;, in i:bis point for theiingularity,. ·andfoveraignty of ' grace ·.and .go<;>d con!Cience ~o ft1ppor~t the Spiritof a~ Man m ev1ll ttmes, to keepe 1t calme 111 the:mofl tem-- pefl:uous . a£1itults, and conquering_over all commers,it ,· may be.objetl:ed, and fomcmay thus cavilL : . Men,.\yho never \Ven:, or ever did deGre_to beac--. , :: . , quainted withGods grate or good men, expreffi.: fom- · -times,and reprefentto By-flanders an invincibldl:owt- · ndfe, much boldneff'e and braveneffe ofminde in time.s• of greatdl: extremity1 . and under m-ofi: e:xquifitct<?rtures ; and therefore. it feemes not to ·bee p£c~lliar ,to ·the Saints, and the priviledge of Gods· Ffivau-rites ' alone, to · fi:and unf'haken in fiormy times,/ J,lndaunted in diil:reOC, .and comfortable amidil: .the-moO: defiJerate - :onfufions ?· . , 1 • Anfw; J , anfvier; : S~ch c_onfidence-isonelyit1the face, .not in the heart;: itirorced, . not kindly afr~Cled ~ not effeCl:uall not fpringing ftom the foie Fountaine of all found and lafHng comfott in humane Soules, fenfe , of our reconciliation to God in Chrifl: ~ but from fome other odde accidentall Motives ; _-from weake and unF worthy grounds. CHAP . XIV. · Five fa!fe groimds.of.confident induring mifer1~ ·. ( I• --~ fome; fr~m · ~n ambitious affi::cHd r, Ad eftre1110 bee !ile.o . . o~_ of adm1rat1on and applaufe,for coumcdund:auntcd. · · extraordinary: undauntedneffe of · fpirit, and high refolution. It is re- - ~~~;AL. port~d o~an_Ir.ifoTrai.tour,thatly~ , . _ mg ltl ho~nble angtn(h upon the · Wheele, an Engtne oftruellclhprture, . with his -body ~ru~s)d; .and his bones broken; .a~ked by, ,'Yb'~.he cba~g~d counteL1ance at all; or no. · .,_,' :.· · AireCling .