Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.'-. Cap. i. . eAjfii[led Conftiencu. earnall men, or religious Counterfeits foever; as the real! po{feffion ofgold, an imagina~y dreame of gold ; a5 the true naturalltvely Grape,whtch glads the heart, . a painted juyceleife Grape, which onely feeds the eye; as a !lrong, and mighty Oake, rooted deepely in the earth,which no fi:orme or tempefi: can difplant or over... throw, a fl:ake in a dead hedge, or fl:affe fi:ucke lightly into the ground, which every hand may fi1atch away, or blafi: ofwinde fupplant, and overthrow. Sed:. I. Part. 2. CHAP. I. The DoClrine of the intolerableneffe of a wonnt:kd CtJn.., ftience proved. · 79 ~~~W Econdly, the trouble of a wounded con- The Attri~~te of a fcience is further amplified by it's At- wounded fp~r~r, . ' . l bl n; L .J whence the tnbute, mto era eneue. But a wounaelil JFirit who ca"' heare ? Whence note ; - Dotl. That the torture of a troubled Dochine of me core fc • • • 1 bl - turcofa rro~ledcon .. . . on ience IS In to era e. fciencc with • 's " 'R_faf. :;: • -In all other afflictions, onely.the Armt of fons: n rea· flc]b ts our adverfary ; wee contend but Wtth creatures r. The advcrfaries ir~ at moll ; wee have to doe but with man, or at worfl:, reftfiablendfc. ~ith devils : but in this tranfcendent mifery., we con- . £het immediately with God himfd£e: Fraile man with Almighty God ; finfull man with that mofl: holy God ; _ Whofe eyes are purer tban to hehold evill, andwho can- HabaC". r. tJ. ~ot_loo~ upon iniquitie. who then can ftand hefore his Nahum t.6'. Jndegnat~on? Who can ahide in the Jierceneffe of his an- • gcr? When hi.r fury u po-wredout lik$. fire, and the Rock! are throwne downc hrhim : .when bee comes againft a Hofea 13· s.- man M a Beare that is bereaved of herWhelps, torent F z t~