Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

86 >/ nftruCliom for aright comforting; -----~------------------··-- ·--, a woman. Shee crycd out many times, Woe, woe,woe, &c. eA wea~~, a wofull, a wretched, a forfakfn woman; with teares continually from her eyes. Mafier ( p) In the n~rr:uion ( P) Peacock_that man ofGod; in that his dread full vi- · ofhisdread ull defc:r-1itation and defertion, recounting fvrpe ftnaller .finnes, .tion upon hi~ Bed ol burfi: out into thefc words. vlnd for thefo,faithhe, I deadt. , feele now an hell in my confcience, Vpon other occafi- . ons, hee cryed out, groaning mofi pittifully: Oh me wretch! Oh mine heart u mifera6le! Oh, Oh, miflrable and wofu/l ! The burthen of my Jinne lyeth fo heavie ttpon mee, I , doubt it wilt /Ji'·eak.§ my heart. Oh how lvofull and miferable u my flate, that thm m;tft converfe with hell-hounds! .When By-fiandcrs ·asked, if Hec would pray : He aniwered ;J cann01. Suff..:r u~,fa y they, to pray for you. Takfnot, replyed hee, .the N.ame of God in vaine, by prttying for a ~prohate. , Whslt.grievouo ptmgs, what forrowfu!l torments, what br;y/ing . heates of ·the fire of hell that blejfed Saint of God, (r) Ach and Monu- ( r) Iohn Glover, felt inwardly in hisJPirit, faith Fox, mems. Inthdl:ory of no JPeech otttward!J is able to exprejfe, Being young, Mafter ~bert Glover faith he I remem/;er I w.u once or twice with him whom , . ' l'· J S~l. . partly /;y hu ~alkf I perceived, atJd.partly 6y mine oWn~ eyu /ltw to bee fo worne, , and confi!.med by the JPace of Jlve yearn, that neither almoft any brooking of meat, quietnejfe of fleepe, pleafure of life, yea, and a!mofl no k.jnde of lenfls w.u left him. Vpon apprehenfion of fome b.tckf:-Jliding, hee WM fo perplexed, that if bee had lmne in the deepeftpit of ·hell, hee could almofl have defPaired no more 'of hh· falvation, faith ~the fame Author : In Uihich intolerahle griefu of minde, faith he, a/. though hee neither had, nor could have d~ joy Df his meat., ye.t \V.u hee 'compelled to ellte againfl his ~tppetite, M the ·md to deforre the time Of hu damnation, fo long iU hee mi;g'ht, with himfelfo nolejfe, hut that he muft needs hee throwne ~nto hell, th:)lr.eath being once ' tJNt ofhis hody• . I dare'n<'t pafle,out·'of·.this.point, lell: ·foine child of G o n fi].oulcl bee h~re .difcouraged, before