Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

lnflruttionJ for a right comforting · Setl:•. t~ ii4 .._::_-----:--~- --·----~-------- - - .·-- .~-- . (t)E7.ek.t~.t7. ope~ed grave,s: (r) tQ menftruom filth: ( 1 ) Tothe "Ih~ir way.. wtU be[are dirt under the naUes ·;.or the ftinking fweat of the~me ,tU the uncleanneffe dy . or the putdfied matter of fome peftilent"Vlcer-: ~r a removed woman. ( )' T h - h' 1N h · r. ( f)I ames 1.u . t . ot everyexcremenu, w lCl ature av1~g1e~ Arnv~~ot wa:CTCUI vered from th~ purer p~rt of the mea'~~ thrufrs o~t:o£ ;v'UJ'ce~trLV • . P~'UJ'§)-, the ftomacke, and cafts mto the draught : ( u) .To~ the P~ 'UJ'"-f,f~t ·' ·· fordes : filthine;ffe, pollutions, and impuriti~ of theworld, (() Proprze q~~.e~ (~m;numu called by a fingularity, · for finne is the tranfcenderit manuum,acwgtr:o' ,_ l f h . ld T 11 h 1 .. r.c. L h' h unguibM ,01/igu_ntu~ : filt1 o_.t e ~or ~ O'a t eunc .eanneu.:s,ro.r.w .:tc . ~a11,t,(e~undu"! a~m? zl- t®. llllnfic~_tlOns;,cle.anfing~,.~alhings,and !pnnkltngs luvies qz~ diftrmr,ztur wereappomtedm the LevttiCaJl Law :. ( x). T0ahho- .a eorponbl/6 o~eozllttu min~etion ·it {elfe &c• . Nay and yet further .which p fi d cm • Jtem gc- · · · ,. ' • · . ' 't~ · ;u:~da~ ukeri.J .makes for the further det~ftatton Of fin :. Whereas. all;. fordidi. Apud. Diofc. outward iilth defiles onelythe ~~>:. ; thts '!f ~nncby Jib.r.cap·99• Scap. the firength and contagton ·of 1t s llillnuaung.poyfon (t)Ioid. Ked trie.~a.rel- foakes thorow the flefh andthebone, andentets-and: ~· Ki:ti<.ictt. Bc'{a rtd- eates into the very minde and·confcie'nct;, Tit•. i~'I r; .dedet, excrementum,m~ fil h d · · · 11·S ·l· . f.M · ·H ·' ·1 lit~, Metaphor~ a dz: ~s t e pure, an . ~norta ~>U eo , . an. ow ong_ . gcfltonc_ n~tt4~ab, qua m1~ht wecaft ~11"t .tn~o.the Atre, beforew.e:wer:e-abl~· lJUicqu,dmczbo~j[ump to mfeet the bnght lhtntng beames o£ th~ SunncJ Y~t -.;... • tg_ISo-. P~~be.t ut~tenu· [o .filthy is fin, that at once with at ouch it:intects the tr1mcntm corpore, tan- S 1 1 · d ' d! '· h · d ·h· ' m nimium e:xcre- ou e, a c ~rer an purer euence t an 1t ; an t at ~~tu deputatu.r. Par. with fuch a crimfon and double-dy~d: fiaine,. thauh~: ( u) tP~t.uo. Td Flood: of Noah, whenaU the·World was.water,.could; fJ,Ut'[Jv!J..'Trl- <iii v.Oo-,J.a. not wa{hit off: Neither at that lafi: an4·dreadfoJl Day, (x) E~ccb. u .tc. when. this great Vniverfall fball bee turned intd a~alll . of fire,Jor thepurifyingta:nd renewing/of theHeaven; :and the . Earth~ ye.t lhalliit ha'lC:no ipower;to ,pur~e·dt ·cleanfe theJe.aft~.fin out of the impenitent "Soule i. Na}f, the fire of Hell which burnes nigl'it and day, 1even:th<F . .• · · row all eternity,,thall never be~able to,r.azeit out. , •· • 1 • ·' · •. • . .4: ;Itf is moft infeelious : ,Spitsv.enome on all fides;, ',' ' . ·far rs: and- wide: . c<Dr-rupts~ery'thiilgitcomesneare. :{Y.) M~tth~;6\ n. By reafon whereo~:. it- is.fitly.!refe'?bled to (Y ;;· L~~ C9 1 Co:.s ,6. ven; to:a (t)G~~<reene ;,: tdthe{a).Lepr..o/ie; _whtch· (• ) '- ~~m.u7-.. ·filthy d1feafe qiu~kly ovqr-fpreads the.. whole.J~ody :: _ s::e!~.1!7 : 1s7r~ ~ 'N11mb; I~. ~~O~ !rifeels.tlle (JJ).clorhri, ,,the.vcry_ 1-t:iJ/1~